[Release] EasyAdmin, an advanced & customisable Admin Menu + Discord Bot

You are wrong, if you mean

That fixes an error which happened if the server was unable to check for an error, if its not that, which “update” do you mean?

To clarify: the bug was also fixed, so even if the repository goes down, it won’t happen again.

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Thanks this is going to help me alot

This is what i have in server.cfg


start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start fivem
start hardcap
start ■■■■■■■


start z-loadscreen
start MenuExample
start NativeUI


start EasyAdmin

add system admins

set ea_LanguageName “en”
set ea_MenuButton “289”
set ea_alwaysShowButtons “false”
set ea_moderationNotification “false”
set ea_custombanlist “false”

add_ace group.god easyadmin allow

add_principal identifier.ip: group.god
add_principal identifier.steam:110000118ebfa08 group.god

and the console has no errors i have everything done from the wikki but i cant still not start up the menu with f2 what do i wrong ?

I have the same problem

i have this

and the menu wont open also with F2

I vote on a re-name for this:
“[Release] UltraHardAdmin, It’s as difficult as it gets!”

But seriously this mod is just… messy. It looks like an error in the console, you have to jump through many hoops to get it started. I will be looking for another mod :frowning:

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same this is a good concept in the begin but now it is realy hard to get it started


It’s not hard if you’re competent enough. Seriously, you’re just reading. It’s not hard at all. Configuration is literally convars, how easier could it get? You don’t have to open the server files or anything. You just have to set convars in your server configuration or a nested configuration file. Configuring permissions is just ACE permissions, again, not hard. Same process as configuration. I just think that you’re not reading it properly and not taking time to do it properly, therefore, messing the configuration up and resulting in errors.

I didn’t say it didn’t work. My point was it isn’t easy and it looks messy in the console.


I just proved that it is easy in my reply.

Then make PR(s) to improve it I guess? Even though this doesn’t make a difference…

You mentioned it resulting in errors. I did not face this. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on it being difficult.

make sure your “god” role has easyadmin permissions

see above, we also talked in DMs about this

you didn’t assign the “easyadmin” permission

maybe the problem is about 30cm infront of the computer?

please elaborate

like a friend of mine said before crashing his car, “just send it”


just add the easyadmin permission to your admin role? its really not that hard.

please elaborate

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How about a fucking tutorial? This is messy. 1.) There is no convars or at least I don’t know what you’re talking about. 2.) EXPLAIN SHIT!!! Your wiki explains nothing.

Then maybe you can’t read?

literally read the fucking wiki?

Configuration of EasyAdmin is done via convars

thats the FIRST sentence of the wiki.

these can be set via your server config file or by typing it as a command inside your servers' console 

and thats the SECOND sentence

Everything is explained there, if you cannot be bothered to read you might aswell not attempt to install it.

Easyadmin is not working at all, it will allow me to do /addadmin and add admins to seemfully nowhere but the menu will simply not open, nor will chat commands like /kick id reason or /ban id reason work.

The start order is
start NativeUI
start EasyAdmin

and here are my config lines

set ea_LanguageName “en”
set ea_MenuButton “167”
set ea_alwaysShowButtons “false”
set ea_moderationNotification “false”
set ea_custombanlist “false”

add_ace group.admin easyadmin.ban allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.kick allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.spectate allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.unban allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.teleport allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.manageserver allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.slap allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.freeze allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.screenshot allow
add_ace group.admin easyadmin.immune allow

add_ace group.god easyadmin allow

#add_ace group.god easyadmin.ban allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.kick allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.spectate allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.unban allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.teleport allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.manageserver allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.slap allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.freeze allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.screenshot allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.immune allow
#add_ace group.god easyadmin.addadmin allow



add_principal identifier.steam:11000011a7ba7cb group.god

PATTERSON M. (Michael)

add_principal identifier.steam:1100001074da9ca group.god

MARCUS B. (Fred A.)

add_principal identifier.steam:1100001343f4f5e group.admin

BART E. (Exonar)

add_principal identifier.steam:110000104265cd4 group.admin

Please get back to me when you have the time as right now my server has no administration menu or system since es_admin2 throws up a bunch of errors when i try to ban someone.

(dunno why its making the names big, maybe its the hashtag i commented them out with)

it will (attempt) to write it to an admins.txt in the easyadmin folder, but please dont use that, its horribly broken anyway.

Are you getting any errors on your server or client? send me both logs in DM if possible.

Absolutely no errors

your image is horribly cropped, also, server logs?
NativeUI installed?
made sure your identifiers are correct?

My apologies i do have an error

Both scripts from your package with EasyAdmin and NativeUI are in my resource and started it the given order