[Release] EasyAdmin, an advanced & customisable Admin Menu + Discord Bot

You juste press F5 when you are in game when you are admin or superadmin !

I am a superadmin …

the IP field has your network’s router IP, not your local or ACTUAL ip.

Hi, does anyone know where to change the menu position?

At the line : mainMenu = NativeUI.CreateMenu(“EasyAdmin”, “~b~Admin Menu”, 1320, 0)

Change 1320 by what you want. Reduce will go to the left, increase to the right :slight_smile:

If you want 0.10 is a good position

@Blumlaut @Feared Thank you so much its working now

Were in the Admin_server.lua file do u add admins

:man_facepalming: read the wiki it explains EVERYTHING.

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I did but i don’t understand it

I made a tuto just because someone don’t know how to add himself as admin, just scroll up and follow instruction, it’s easy to add yourself as admin man.

How do you whitelist your admins?
i get banned when using noclip?

check the anticheese anticheat post and it will have info on that

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How do you add someone as a admin for the first time and also how do you add someone as a moderator, is it /addmod (ID)

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Please read the wiki, it explains how to add admins and create permission groups

Still having issues unbanning players in-game, I know it’s not much help but if you’d like to join and try it feel free. Press confirm to ban and it does nothing.

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Error resuming coroutine: admin_server.lua:361: bad argument #1 to 'for iterator' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in for iterator 'for iterator'
        admin_server.lua:361: in function 'updateBlacklist'
        admin_server.lua:473: in function 'loopUpdateBlacklist'
        admin_server.lua:483: in function <admin_server.lua:7>
hitch warning: frame time of 166 milliseconds

i get that error everytime i restart the resource and start the server (and yes i have cleared the cache)

Also, I know this is minor as well but considering the banlist is now in json format, can the admins.txt also be converted to json, I’m always worried about .txt files for configs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

admins.txt is considered legacy and isn’t recommended to be used as it may break / be removed in the future, always go with ACE

is your banlist.json empty? If so, please just delete it, EasyAdmin will generate a new one.

is the easy admin commands or a menu. if it is a menu what is the default key to open the menu??

Reading the wiki could very much answer all of those questions.

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