[Release] EasyAdmin, an advanced & customisable Admin Menu + Discord Bot

already doing it myself :joy: you can either edit the code from essential mode or use the little :mag: that no one ever uses lol and search freeze player and then the first post has code that works just use the client and again edit it to your needs. i do not provide support for adding the nativeui menu it is fairly simple. i can give u an example of easyadmin

		if permissions.spectate then
			local thisItem = NativeUI.CreateItem(strings.spectateplayer, "")
			thisItem.Activated = function(ParentMenu,SelectedItem)

that is the spectate code off it (it only adds the item spectate learn more about nativeuilua yourself before attempting to use and edit that code and make sure not to post it without @Blumlaut Permission

Hello, I was wondering if someone could tell me what Iā€™m doing wrong because Iā€™m trying to change the hotkey for EasyAdmin from the X key on the controller and F2 on Keyboard to F5. now iv tried putting this command into my server config set ea_MenuButton ā€œ166ā€ and tried changing the number in the actual GUI Client side file to 166 as well. (166 is the number for F5) and it still hasnā€™t done it. iv spent 30 minutes trying to figure it out and I have looked through every file Easy admin has come with and Iā€™m frustratedā€¦ and canā€™t find out why it isnā€™t working. because the wiki you have created/referenced from for controls keybinds implies to do it this way and it still doesnā€™t work. your help is much appreciated, Thanks in advance.

Try change in the ā€œgui_c.luaā€ in the beggining:

settings = {
	button = 289,
	forceShowGUIButtons = false,

Change the ā€œbutton = 289ā€ to another key number

No No No No No, use the convar, always. i can guarantee that the convar works, if it doesnā€™t, it is most certainly user error.


Haza I go it to work, I was putting the commands after starting Easy Admin through the server config when I should have stated the adjusting commands before Easy Admin started. was never really clear whether or not the commands should go before or after starting easy admin but alas Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello, I can not find the Admin.txt file to put my things in, can someone please help me

because that file is not used anymore, everything is now done using ACE, please read the wiki for instructions on how to use it.

For a example if I was to use ace would I do this
add_principal identifier.ip:[Ip address] group.admin?

IP Address is highly unreliable and not all that safe. Use Hex or Licence.

I have done everything right and it is still not working!
Is essentials mode compatible with easyadmin

Theyā€™re completely separate and do not impact each other at all. The only resource that interfaces with EasyAdmin is Anticheese.

Possible implementation of a Freeze function, which would freeze players in place and not allow them to move until unfrozen. Even if you had to do a stand alone chat-based command for freezing people, Iā€™d love to have that functionality.

So Iā€™m attempting to enter this menu into my server, however, Iā€™m running into an issue. When adding myself to the admin list, I am going into my server.cfg file and entering the following:
add_principal identifier.steam: My Hex group.admin # Matt S.

I launch it and inside my server box, itā€™s showing it launched without error, when I get into the game, however, I cannot open the menu using F2 or F5ā€¦Did I do something wrong?

EDIT: This is all I am doingā€¦I am entering both NativeUI and EasyAdmin into my resource folder and doing
start EasyAdmin
start NativeUI

in my server.cfgā€¦I am also going into gui_c.lua and editing the key to 166(F5). These are the only files I am touching and the only things I am doing. I would like to know if I am doing something wrong.

Read the wiki and donā€™t edit any of the files.

Edit the keys: https://github.com/Bluethefurry/EasyAdmin/wiki/1.-Configuring-EasyAdmin
Add permissions to use: https://github.com/Bluethefurry/EasyAdmin/wiki/2.-Adding-Admins

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Since this has been requested multiple times now, i added it to the Update 4.3 Milestone

I might be a complete and udder dumbass at the moment. Sorry for asking again but, I read the wiki before I installed it, there is no admins.txt and thatā€™s really what threw me off. Did I put the ace command in the right place? (The server.cfg)

the admins.txt file is considered legacy and as such is unused/not recommended, you put the ACE commands in the server.cfg, the same file that you execute when you start the server.

Thank you for the instant response. In that case, Iā€™m doing it right but itā€™s still not working? I entered the following into my cfg :

add_principal identifier.steam: My Hex group.admin # Matt S.

Is that what I am supposed to input or no?

it depends, what is your admin group configured to? ideally, it should list permissions that are allowed for that role, or, just add_ace group.admin easyadmin allow for all permissions

Alright. Iā€™m probably the singlemost retarded person on this forum at the moment. I was sleep deprived yesterday when I went and tried to insert this into my server and I (in my semi-high mind) assumed that the commands in the wiki on the ā€œAdding Adminsā€ section were all separate commands. I am extremely sorry for having you go through this hassle. Iā€™m launching my server now after I inserted the actual group.

UPDATE: I was truly a dumbass and it now works in pure flawlessness in my server. :slight_smile: Thank you all for your support.

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