[Release] EasyAdmin, an advanced & customisable Admin Menu + Discord Bot

hm, can you DM me? so we don’t spam this topic.

Sure thing. One moment

Did you find a/the issue? Because I’ve banned some people but never tested to see if they could join. Now I’m curious to know if they’re really banned… :wink:

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if your banlist.txt contains a bunch of steamids/licence ids then yes they are banned.


We’re attempting to figure it out as we speak. I’ll keep you posted buddy


Update: the issue has been resolved, the problem was that the FXServer was outdated, so make sure your server is up-to-date!

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thx for the script! but could you make ik work with the database ? with that kind of sql:

bans.sql (1.5 KB)


but i won’t


Honestly, why would you want to make it more difficult when it already functions perfectly?
Why’s a DB so much better than a simple text file? To me it seems like that’d only make it harder to install… Which wouldn’t make sense if you take a look at what this resource is actually called (EasyAdmin) :wink:

Does this require the war menu?

And does it have permissions at all?

warmenu comes packed with the resource and no it does not, the point is to be “work free” in both scripting and usage terms.

@Bluethefurry I am not understandin?

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@ImJer Warmenu is included with this. You do not need to get it.

The only way to add admins are by adding their steam ID or license, as said in the main post. There is no permission system.

The point of not adding permissions is for this resource to be easy. Get it? EasyAdmin :wink:

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What’s inside your citmp-server.yml and server.cfg? I hope you’re not putting this in there:

Quoted screenshot from @DarkShadow_Phoenix1


Because that’s not what you’re supposed to do.


  1. Download EasyAdmin from github
  2. Put the folder in your resources folder
  3. Rename the folder to EasyAdmin if it’s called something else
  4. Go into your EasyAdmin folder and edit the admin_server.lua file (change the admins = { })
  5. Add EasyAdmin (case sensitive) to your server.cfg file and restart your server.
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no it’s not, you tried to put your steamid as licence.

done steps 1 to 3
so step 4 should look like: admins = {“110000113E7A943”}
then i added it to citmp-server.yml as EasyAdmin and added start EasyAdmin to server.cfg

admins = {"steam:110000113E7A943"}

what the hell are you talking about, the citmp-server.yml hasn’t been used for ages.


o thanks

for that forgot to put the steam part

o ok i didn’t know that