[Release][Dunko vRP V6.7 - OneSync Compatible] WORKS IN 2022 - Supports 15 languages - Zap Hosting NOW 20% DISCOUNT!

This is some awesome work! I stood up a server last night. Wish I saw your code before I did lol!

One question, Should I not have vMenu as well? I think I may have some weird issues, if I click up in my phone I see the people o the server list flash up…


Make a whitelisted role like cops.

That is an issue with hotkeys. It can be fixed in hotkeys.lua i think

how is this whitelist?

Ah thank you very much! SO it is ok to run Vmenu in parallel? I like having it available. Need someone to test the server that not me and make sure I don’t have it to open permission wise. I though of making another steam account, not sure if that will cause problems or not. Any advice? Appreciate your time!


Hi guys
Does anyone know how to remove the attitude of walking slowly when I give control? I can not find the file where that attitude is lodged.

Puedes quitar el trabajo desde vrp > cfg > groups, y para dar el trabajo de mecánico solo tienes que poner K>Admin>Add group, colocas el id del player y el trabajo de Mecánico, así como esta escrito en el archivo “groups” :smiley:

¿Cómo exactamente hago eso, soy un estudiante de primer año

Vas a la carpeta resources>vrp>cfg>groups y habrá un linea de código que diga “cfg.selectors = {” ahí están todos los trabajos disponibles que puede elegir un jugador, solo comenta la parte que diga “mechanic” y listo ya no estará el trabajo disponible en el punto de trabajos.

Can someone help me figure out why im getting these error’s

stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'string.sub'
        @vrp/modules/group.lua:135: in local 'f'
        [string "-- Proxy interface system, used to add/call f..."]:39: in upvalue 'handler'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:219: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:218>
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'error'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: in field 'CreateThreadNow'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:218: in function <citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:182>
Error running system event handling function for resource vrp: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: Failed to execute thread: @vrp/modules/group.lua:135: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
        [C]: in upvalue '_in'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:440: in function 'TriggerClientEventInternal'
        (...tail calls...)
        [string "..."]:59: in field 'getPosition'
        @vrp/modules/item_transformer.lua:39: in upvalue 'tr_tick'
        @vrp/modules/item_transformer.lua:235: in function <@vrp/modules/item_transformer.lua:233>
hitch warning: frame time of 160 milliseconds
InvokeNative: execution failed: Argument at index 1 was null.
Error resuming coroutine: Execution of native 000000002f7a49e6 in script host failed.
stack traceback:
        [C]: in upvalue '_in'
        citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:440: in function 'TriggerClientEventInternal'
        (...tail calls...)
        [string "..."]:59: in field 'getPosition'
        @vrp/modules/item_transformer.lua:39: in upvalue 'tr_tick'
        @vrp/modules/item_transformer.lua:235: in function <@vrp/modules/item_transformer.lua:233>

Hello, my hospital icons are on the morgue building and the hospital is not really functioning… any ideas? is there a better things to put in place?

The hospital icon is on the morgue building because that is the main building but you can still go inside the hospitals and spawn the cars

new server and :
Loaded mysql.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_291031148
[vRP/C#] Load MySQL app.
Instantiated instance of script vRP.MySQL.
Started resource vrp_mysql
Creating script environments for vrp
[vRP] error parsing module vrp/cfg/base:[string “…”]:1: unexpected symbol near ‘<\239>’
Error loading script base.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/base.lua:10: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘config’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/base.lua:10: in main chunk
Failed to load script base.lua.
Error loading script modules/gui.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/gui.lua:14: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/gui.lua:14: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/gui.lua.
Error loading script modules/group.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/group.lua:15: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/group.lua:15: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/group.lua.
Error loading script modules/admin.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/admin.lua:332: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/admin.lua:332: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/admin.lua.
Error loading script modules/survival.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/survival.lua:2: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/survival.lua:2: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/survival.lua.
Error loading script modules/player_state.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/player_state.lua:2: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/player_state.lua:2: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/player_state.lua.
Error loading script modules/map.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/map.lua:10: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/map.lua:10: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/map.lua.
Error loading script modules/money.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/money.lua:1: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/money.lua:1: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/money.lua.
Error loading script modules/inventory.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/inventory.lua:1: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/inventory.lua:1: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/inventory.lua.
Error loading script modules/identity.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/identity.lua:4: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/identity.lua:4: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/identity.lua.
Error loading script modules/business.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/business.lua:6: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/business.lua:6: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/business.lua.
Error loading script modules/item_transformer.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/item_transformer.lua:8: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/item_transformer.lua:8: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/item_transformer.lua.
Error loading script modules/emotes.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/emotes.lua:5: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/emotes.lua:5: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/emotes.lua.
Error loading script modules/police.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/police.lua:3: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/police.lua:3: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/police.lua.
Error loading script modules/home.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/home.lua:4: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/home.lua:4: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/home.lua.
Error loading script modules/home_components.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/home_components.lua:3: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/home_components.lua:3: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/home_components.lua.
Error loading script modules/mission.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/mission.lua:3: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/mission.lua:3: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/mission.lua.
Error loading script modules/aptitude.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/aptitude.lua:5: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/aptitude.lua:5: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/aptitude.lua.
Error loading script modules/basic_phone.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/basic_phone.lua:4: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/basic_phone.lua:4: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/basic_phone.lua.
Error loading script modules/basic_atm.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/basic_atm.lua:4: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/basic_atm.lua:4: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/basic_atm.lua.
Error loading script modules/basic_market.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/basic_market.lua:3: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/basic_market.lua:3: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/basic_market.lua.
Error loading script modules/basic_gunshop.lua in resource vrp: @vrp/modules/basic_gunshop.lua:4: attempt to index a nil value (global ‘vRP’)
stack traceback:
@vrp/modules/basic_gunshop.lua:4: in main chunk
Failed to load script modules/basic_gunshop.lua.

@lokon38 What do you mean “how is this whitelist”?

@TRIGA307 Just ask around. Im sure there are plenty of people willing to help.

@Non Is it because of the crouching script. You would have to remove the crouching script to fix the slow walk issue. Also, please keep it to English so we can all understand.

@Aircommando What files have you edited recently? Have you edited any item_transformers files?

@TRIGA307 Can you explain not functioning, and maybe provide some screenshots.

@supaflybanzai Is your bro/cfg/base.lua correct? That is where the issue is coming from. And next time, please use pastebin for server console logs.

@sloththedevza i haven’t edited anything recently i don’t know why i would be getting that error

Yes it is.
My cfg:

@Aircommando are you hosting with ZAP by any chance.

@supaflybanzai there is an issue with the connection between your database and the server. Try and figure out what is causing the issue. Please join the Discord for better assistance.

@sloththedevza no im using https://gamehosting.co/
more info:
i found out that this error only comes up when other people try and gather weed get a drivers license etc but when i use it none of those errors appear.

Try reinstalling a fresh install of vRP Dunko pack

how do I do that? I just want you not to walk slowly when you get up

if ( DoesEntityExist( ped ) and not IsEntityDead( ped ) ) then
DisableControlAction( 0, 36, true ) – INPUT_DUCK

        if ( not IsPauseMenuActive() ) then 
            if ( IsDisabledControlJustPressed( 0, 36 ) ) then 
                RequestAnimSet( "move_ped_crouched" )
				RequestAnimSet( "move_m@casual@d" )

                while ( not HasAnimSetLoaded( "move_ped_crouched" ) and not HasAnimSetLoaded( "move_m@casual@d" ) ) do 
                    Citizen.Wait( 100 )

                if ( crouched == true ) then 
                    SetPedMovementClipset( ped, "move_m@casual@d", 0.25 )
                    crouched = false 
                elseif ( crouched == false ) then
                    SetPedMovementClipset( ped, "move_ped_crouched", 0.25 )
                    crouched = true 