[Release][Dunko vRP V6.7 - OneSync Compatible] WORKS IN 2022 - Supports 15 languages - Zap Hosting NOW 20% DISCOUNT!

Updated MySQL-Async to V2.1.1

@Dunko whats changes in the mysql async? if i don’t upgrade something changes?

Better database sync, nothing would happen, just less likely your database will corrupt.

You can download it yourself here.

Remember to put “@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua”, at the top of server_scripts in your vRP resource.lua

thank you! (20 chars).

I installed this on my server but I’m having a weird issue. If I hit F1 or F2 it open phone but then the phone is stuck on the screen. Even after hitting K it won’t go again. If I just use K to use the menu then it is fine and I can hit backspace to get out of it. I haven’t added any custom resources to it yet.

@Dunko Hey, I’ve created myself a Miner and UPS-Driver job, everything works. But - I made missions, with no errors in console and it doesn’t work. Also written correctly in the en.lua!

-- Miner
local common_workminer_positions = {

cfg.workminer = {
  ["mission.mine.metals"] = {
    positions = common_workminer_positions,
    items = {
      ["iron"] = {0,8,500},
	  ["gold"] = {0,8,500},
      ["copper"] = {0,8,350}

Anyone can tell me why the vRP.tryFullPayment not works here??
(it’s a server script)

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(s, n, m)
    local message = string.lower(m)
    local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source})
    --vRPclient.notify(user_id, {user_id})
    local price = 800
    if message == "/rastrear" then
        if vRP.tryFullPayment({user_id},price) then 
            vRPclient.notify(user_id, "Dinheiro insuficiente")

I already put this in the start of .lua

local Tunnel = module("vrp", "lib/Tunnel")
local Proxy = module("vrp", "lib/Proxy")

vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP")
vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","vRP_vehicle-control")

And this on resource

resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'

dependencies {

client_script 'client.lua'

Vrp is wierd in windowed mode & windowed borderless:

but if i join the server fullscreened it works perfectly any idea?

How would I be able to turn off the speedometer and street labels, and mover the menus and change key asighnments.

How do I edit
F2 ???

Hello guys, after last vrp scripts changes i got https://i.imgur.com/DT635rW.png Is it fivem engine problem or just some scripts?

For some currently known reason, F1 and F2 require 3-4 backspaces to close.

What do you mean by doesn’t work? Have you also added your new items into vrp/cfg/items.lua?

What is it you’re trying to do? I don’t speak your language.

You’re using an version, the new phone is in the up to date version.

See FAQ’s


This seems to have come along with the new FiveM update, download the version of FXServer prior and it works fine with that.

Thank you man :slight_smile: Looks like old version starting but wth this: https://i.imgur.com/aNHuWQq.png

That’s a FiveM error mate, post in #technical-support

Yea, i’ve added it.

Also I changed the Mechanics Mission, instead of Satelite Dishes and Wind turbines they repair now power lines and traffic lights.

Removing of K9 script fixed the problem…

Hey, I have some problems to use “fin” language.
When I put it on and i’ll join the server I can’t see my money icons and phone texts are wierd.
But as soon as I put it back to “eng” It starts working again.
And yeah, I changed both of the files. ( vrp/cfg/base.lua) and ( vrp_basic_mission/cfg/missions.lua )
Here’s a screenshot of console ( https://gyazo.com/05bce95bc5f9745ea864cc8c2be552cf )
Btw, translation is perfect. I could find only couple mistakes but that’s understanadble :slight_smile:

Still doesn’t show me why it’s not working lol

Yeah I removed that as it was causing some errors. Thanks.

It’s the community who does the translations, you’d have to go through it and see what is causing the bug mate. A simple comma missing could break the whole file.

Lol, i’ve used only 2 words on my language, but here is the code translated

The only thing that isnt working is the vRP.tryFullPayment() do you know why?

local Tunnel = module("vrp", "lib/Tunnel")
local Proxy = module("vrp", "lib/Proxy")

vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP")
vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP","vRP_vehicle-control")

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(s, n, m)
    local message = string.lower(m)
    local user_id = vRP.getUserId(source) -- i've already tried "local user_id = vRP.getUserId(s)"
    local amount = 800
    if message == "/rastrear" then --player text one chat command
        if vRP.tryFullPayment(user_id, amount) then -- try a payment when the chat command is written
            TriggerClientEvent('rastrear')  -- calls method
            vRPclient.notify(user_id, "Insufficient money")

It’s vRP.tryPayment mate