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where can i create an shop where you can SELL items.

How i can change the payout earned in some missions? not the salary but the mission’s payout from some jobs.
Thanks for the Help =D

How can i put the menu(K) into a phone case

go to vrp/gui/design.css

Dunko, my menu is not opening ‘K’ how can I fix it?

There is a blip on the map for this, they go there to get the job.

Read the FAQ’s.

Read the FAQ’s.

You can change it to 0 in vrp/cfg/survival.lua so it won’t go down at all.

That means you’ve done something wrong, but you’re on the right tracks, you’ve probably missed a comma or put a comma at the end of the list, look at the layout and you’ll understand.

They are FiveM crashes, report them as such in the correct part of the forum.

You’d have to code that into vrp/modules/basic_market.lua


There must be errors on your CMD, more than likely your database isn’t connect, follow my video mate.

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@Dunko how to limit to make only one identity for ID, there’s no limitation in 6.5

I am inserting emergency skins on my server, and they are not all that works, even though I am writin start skin in server.cfg there is no skin that I added, the original skin appears.
I’m getting the skins at: http://slice.wikidot.com/skins:emergecy and I put the name of the skin as: original: Cop01SFY
modified: s_f_y_cop_01

That’s because there is no player creation, so the only way people can use multiple identities is to change them at present.

You have to remove the modified skins already in the pack in [Police Skins] for instance or simply replace over them.

This isn’t a place to advertise mate, it’s for support. Use #server-development:server-bazaar

would it be possible to put the option of taking the drug dealer’s job at a fixed location, where the player could choose the job at any time he wanted?

Hi @Dunko
how edit a add job for player as job miner , hunter(Hunting) , Fuel
I’m looking for a way to add In vrp


It is at a fixed location, check the map. It’s called Drug Dealer.

You’d have to learn how to convert that job from what ever base its using and tunnel it as a vrp resource.

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You tell me where the file I need to edit
I will learn the code from the file
THANK @Dunko

Hello guys. Can someone write more information about uber prof? i see some custom car may be buyed there (not any kind of taxi car), no any missions starting if pressing del button and if someone calling, i see point, moving there and nothing happening. If player called me sitting into my car - nothing changin…

Dunko, see if this is right:
Link Imgur

If this way is correct, tell me, because if I go to test in the game will appear the original skin of GTA V.
If it’s not correct, tell me the correct way, please? thank you.

I did not find anything on the map to get the job of a trafficker, I’m going through the coordenadas but I can only become a trafficker through the admin menu. sorry ignorance but I can not

I have no idea mate, as I’ve never seen the files you are talking about - I only support things currently in the pack, so you’ll have to learn yourself, look at any vRP resource (i.e. vrp_bankrobbery) for further help.

Missions for Uber will be added in 6.6 - the Taxi mission was for the old Taxi job that was removed, I will update the main thread to reflect this. For now, people can call an uber via K > Phone > Server > Uber and the Uber driver can accept it via F5 or decline it via F6.

Yes that’s where the custom police skins are located.

A weapons smuggler? You can get the job in Paleto, top right, it’s an image of a gun.

My server have not so much players, so, taxi job would be good for this… And just interesting, may be you’ll add some npcs in the shops as sellers? It would be good to see somebody there… And i still can’t understand, what need to be after driver is on the point - he need to remove this point somehow or what? and how realised payment in this job? just as words of players?

I told you how to call an uber and how the uber driver accepts or declines the call. The uber driver is basically a taxi driver, just without a yellow car.

With regards to NPC sellers, this is something I am thinking about NPC shops in a future release.

No, i’m about returning of npc missions… just wanted it back…