[Release][Dunko vRP V6.7 - OneSync Compatible] WORKS IN 2022 - Supports 15 languages - Zap Hosting NOW 20% DISCOUNT!

whats the cause of the solo session?
for some reason a good percent of the players are getting it, nobody knows how to reverse?

Hi @Dunko got a massive issue with your script for some reason it comes up with a load of text underneath about a proxy error or something every time I type in some commands like /911 or something like that it comes up with some proxy writing. Not sure why?

How can i delete the Phone menu and use the Regular F1 menu like on most servers? the phone menu is honestly hard and i can’t spawn vehicles and i can’t close the menu as an admin

Hello, I have problems when entering a server with this Mod, “Ping timeout” do you know what it can be?

Anyone know where/how to make it so everyone a player uses a medkit they get a ems skill point or when they use a repair kit the get a mechanic skill point? I have the jobs and aptitudes set up but don’t know what the function would be to get the exp points?

need some help everytime we go to department of jobs center and go and click police job nothing happens we can’t use the cop job for some odd reason

@Dunko I have problems when entering servers with this mod, what is due?. “Ping timeout”. It’s not my internet problem, the other servers work for me and internet drops do not have

This is FiveM, it’s extremely rare, usually caused by client to server lag (heavy lag spike).

There are no /911 commands lol - are you mixing ES and vRP? I’ve never seen that before.

What do you mean a regular F1 menu? No idea what you’re talking about mate.

K > Admin > Spawnveh = spawn cars

Backspace closes things, it’s really simple. Try backspace a few times if you’re lagging.

Lag between yourself and the server. The server is trying to ping you but failing, so it assumes you’re no longer connected and force kicks you.

Also, do not spam.

Look into the modules section to get the functions.

K > admin > DB ID > cop

Then walk into the orange circle in the police station to select your rank.

And it only happens to me with your mod? how weird everything … I have removed the Ping timeout from the configuration and the same thing is still happening. I have to try the connection again and again until half a hour later.

Yes, because others don’t have ping time out written in. This is to help server desync with other players and your desync with AI vehicles. Also, removing it from the cfg isn’t removing it.

Hi guys! I added the vrp_garages script to have those blue garages on my server, but I have a problem. If I buy a car from any other basic garage I can’t see it in the blue one. I copied and pasted that code into the modules/basic_garage on the 67’th line but that helped only in selling a car and dissappearing from the blue garage. Do you know any fix? Apprently the vehicle menu compatibility isn’t working too. Even with the cars that I get from the house garage.


And also, I tried adding the Cell phone skin and somehow broken my resources then I replaced the gui with Psycho’s vrp one and I get this error

vrp_garages isn’t supported here mate as it’s not in the pack - though I am working on re-writing it to be released shortly, for now, just use the basic garage mate or you’ll come across issues.

You can’t just replace things lol, my pack has different things in it to Psycho’s

  1. vrp/cfg/player_state
  2. Blips are GTA mate, not FiveM - you can Google for the list

Can someone explain this and how to go about fixing it?

It is only found when running the VRP script.

(the belt is always miss colored)

These are the skins used, they are place holders for you to change yourself to skins you’d rather use.

Find ones you like (Google) and then replace them in the [Police Skins] folders.

That doesnt answer the question

I’ve used the skins that were default in the vRP script in the [Police Skins] folder and they have the broken texture police belt. I then went and added my own and even my own (a completely different mod) had the exact same problem.

They aren’t default with vRP, they were added by myself. [Police Skins] are my skins, again , added as a place holder.

If you overwrite them with a skin of your choosing, you’ll have no issues.

Make sure, you don’t keep any of the same files in any of the other resources, if there are two, for instance, cop01 skins, it will always load my one first.

You can use the default skins of GTA if you wish by removing the skin resources from loading in the server.cfg

I used the vRP skins you added, used my own, and used the default shown below.

I removed all skin mods from resources and from the server.cfg startup info.



The belt is still miss-textured and bugged. Any ideas?

It may have something to do with the clothing store mate, as that has belts, maybe try removing that part of the clothing store see how it goes, not tried before, nor has anyone mentioned this before.

I’ve seen people use other peds on the other servers with no issue.