[Release][Dunko vRP V6.7 - OneSync Compatible] WORKS IN 2022 - Supports 15 languages - Zap Hosting NOW 20% DISCOUNT!

@Dunko on map where i found the EMS work place?

How can i finde the script whit Blip colours i will delete this script…

@Naifen download it from githup

Hello guys. I need to change the key to open the admin menu. I use ps4 pad and when i press X to run, the console opens. Can i change this?

@dunko I have a problem with the weapons, that is, when the player dies he can disconnect and then replays and presses K and places the weapons in the inventory. You know how I can handle this?

@Lunga you can edit it so players will also loose their inventory on death’s :slight_smile:

Q: How do I set it to lose inventory/items on death?
A: In vrp/modules/player_state.lua press enter at the end of line 57 and paste vRP.clearInventory(user_id)

@Dunko I have a doubt, what exactly the aptitudes do, for example, I realize see the force aptitude makes you carry more weight in the inventory, but the others have some functionality? I want to create a new aptitude that would be agility and that of such resource was done more quickly over time, it would basically be what the hacker’s aptitude should do, you can clarify this to me if it is basically just copying an existing aptitude and converting to what you need inside the item transformer. I’ve try to understand the code but i cant. ty for the answer and sorry for the bad english.

No i will delete this script from Dunko

You already get paychecks every 15 mins, these can be edited in vrp/modules/paychecks.lua

  1. You can go to the clothes store to change it
  2. Never seen that before, try resetting your database

At the hospitals

The colours are set in each of the cfg files, you can change them there.

My advice is to stop using a controller for RP, everything is designed for keyboard and not controller, you can change what you like but remember, pretty much everything has a controller binding as well, the ones that aren’t are already used up for something else (I.e. K menu)

They increase the time of that job role, meaning they collect more, like hacking.

where can I change the number of police officers online to rob the bank?

vrp_bankrobbery/server.lua – line 93

Sorry I didn’t understand what I have to change. I played gta with the pad for twenty years. I don’t see why role play should not be compatible with the pad.

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Hello @Dunko, i know that this question might have already been asked, but i’ve been looking to all the replys and i haven’t found anything about this… So, my question is: how can i remove all the “Mechanic” blips in the map? I’ve checked all the blips and blips_markers files, but it isn’t there.?

where i can change the value of fuel ?

How do i change the spawn location after being jailed? And how do i chagne that people can use the K menu while dead?

Hi, I got everything working correctly however I have an issue where the all the phone menus are halfway off-screen, so I only see part of those. Can I change where the menu appears?

Yes. But in this your paycheck, if the player does not have the whole money, he does not get the rest in the bank directly … And in vrp_paycheck you managed to make him use all the money in his hand and the rest in the bank.

how can i do the police gunshop by packs? like, i choose the LSPD and i got pistol and stungun, but when i choose military, i got special carabine and pistol and stungun, anyone knows how to do this?

Hey! I love 6.6 It would be awesome to be able to access the Police PC inside on a car! Also when your robbing a store you should ass this [Release] Simple Hacking Minigame So it likes a Mini Game, so its no like u sit there wait for cops you gotta put thought into it!

I got some cards from hackers but what I do after that? The mission mark to go in Life Invader, but I don’t have a local that I can exchange the Cards to Fake ID