[Release]DUFX - Mechanic and Car Script

Should be as easy as swapping out all the




and visa-versa

However, I’m not a coder, so I could be wrong.

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In general I like this idea.

You should consider to make a version for roleplay servers (like vRP), where mechanics can use it, and the mechanics can charge nearby players for the fix. :slight_smile:

vRP is essentialmode based I think, so this should work.

vRP doesn’t require essitialmode. Might have in earlier days, can’t tell :]

I will update it so police can be enabled since I am making cleaning a option two lol also your cords are saved in the root folder as USERNAMEPlace.txt or USERNAME-Coords.txt

I have not used vRP and in the long run dufx will have it’s own eco back end but I will have a look at it, if its easy to install without the need of DB’s and everything like esx was then I do that some time today if not please bear in mine I am new to GTA 5 FiveM and I will have sit down with a lot of coffee to read how it’s doing it.

The mod was created for Tow Drunk drivers to drop a user off link they do in real life most tow drives don’t belong to a garage to fix, there job most of the time is to get as many tows in, at this time making it complex where it has to integrate with a user like that wont be happening as you talking about having to know whom is a mechanic then some kind of system where they can input a price to request that payment from the person that broke down, this is no easy task.

Also most servers that run that kind of job system I seen have repair kits so that kind of mechanic can repair on the road side and charge the client what they want before releasing the car so I don’t feel it’s needed and not very realistic myself.

Added Option to enable cleaning
Added Option to enable police
Moved the /SavePlace function to resources\dufx\places\USERNAME.txt

You need to enable in the config file Police and Clean, as there off by default.

dufx-0-0-1-6.zip (5.2 KB)

I have few things to do today but then I have a few things to look at, like a new set of dialogs to be changed, and maybe support for something else, not vRPG at this time.

I have not looked all the scripts sent to me just yet as I had problems with ISP’s and so on but I will research and look at things tonight including a mod for DUFX and I will research some of vRPG but I wont promisse anything right now, part from research.

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You’re doing great work. Do it at your own pace and don’t let anyone rush you or have you put in something you don’t want.

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I am working on a few little things for it I hope, kind of your ideas but without the two plugins you use, I think the normal dialog windows will do for now but the audio is a funky idea, so I am going to research that.

I always try to use the other dialog windows because I have my health bars and carhud above the minimap and the normal dialog window gets covered up.

At the moment I not really worrying about mother mods like the heal bars and so on for now lol, but I have means to load html file and js but having problems loading my ogg file at the moment lol

what about having it refuel? i love this script its very cool

okay so after some testing it seems like you broke the /saveplace it throws a error on line 41 and when you enable police cars to be repaired and bring them in there it says somthing odd in the bottum left and dose not let you fix them

Please read up, this at the moment is not working at all for me, I use the Set Fuel command but I getting no where fast with it so it’s in the code and disabled for now until we work out how to fix it, so it’s a working progress lol

I am going to be pushing a update in a fr or two I hope with a few dialog changes thanks to Chip_W_Gaming, not all but most of his custom dialects was used, I have tested the police cars and /saveplace functions can you please provide me screen shots.

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my mistake it is working to fix cars it just was not working on the car i was using… saveplace was throwing a error when trying to save to the new directory you gave it. i told it to save back in the root file and it works again so its not a big deal.

The file is working fine, I can’t fix things if you don’t provide the errors what is happening don’t just go changing things as this wont help me fix anything will it :slight_smile: please change it back and provide me the error thanks.


Added Audio - Chris’s idea
Updated Dialog’s - Used Chris’s wording
Added Document folder with default config and default dialog files to fix any bad changes you do to these tow files, editing the client or server files are your own doing and wont be supported I am not a code god lol

You need to enable in the config file Police and Clean, as there off by default. If you having problems with audio like lagging or not working you can disable this option in the config found under Audio

dufx-0-0-1-7.zip (83.5 KB)

Restart the server on the new installs, or at least stop the resorurce stop dufx then DELETE and then copy the new one over then refresh and then start dufx this will hopefully load then one loaded if still saying cached restart 2 more times restart dufx most of the time it will request the files from the server rather then the cache.

aww, Chris had better audio and dialog? :joy:

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