[Release]drugs to npc's [ESX]

np :smiley:

20 characters

I receive no message when pressing H next to an NPC but it appears the drug sell as it should. Does not do a animation upon completion either?

no i dont think their is a good one for it but you could add it really easy and do you have pnotify?

Yes I have pNotify in and working. It shows how much was sold or they are not interested. Just would like a selling please wait message or something and a completion animation.

well there is a sold msg in it should say sold weed bag for whatever it sold for. And you could add a animation.

lol need to make that say joint not joints but you get the point

oh this is what you mean?

yes I dont see that first initial message but i get everything else. (trying to convince person)

did you change any code or is their any errors cause its in there

I only changed the pricing and the folder name. No errors

hmm just curious if you redownload and dont change anything does it showup?

Giving it a shot now.

https://pastebin.com/3PGd67jf can you take this i made an animation for it but if they are not interested or no weed it still plays animation could you fix that for me?

make it an event then trigger the event from the server side if it successeds

ok will give it a try

I just dropped the resource in without any changes and still same results…No message when attempting to sell but message shows when sale is complete or they reject

hmm thats very weird @presty1 does it show up for you?

ya mine shows up just fine

Are you using the dirtymoney or cleanmoney one? im using dirty

im using clean try that one and see if it works

same result with cleanmoney