[Release]drugs to npc's [ESX]

This is my version of drugs to npcs it works pretty well.

Originally script based off only serenity’s script.

Pnotify here

Update Log

Added a distance check so you cant run away while selling.
Added a dirty money version if you would like that.
Made it so the peds are set free after a sell.

Fixed no drugs issue

Added a animation on a successful sale

Fixed police notifaction(should work i dont use esx_phone so couldnt test)

Figured i should update it since (SOME TOOK IT) is claiming he made the script(lol only thing he even bothered to change is the notifaction)



if you have any questions let me know.

How can i change the price it gives?
A: in the client.lua change the math.randoms per drug at the top. (min,max) is how it works

you can modify this script but if you release please credit me.


Whats different from this release then the other one that was released earlier? today???

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not too much just has all the drugs and clean money instead of dirty.
I just had it laying around so I figured I would release it.

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wait so it gives u Clean money?

yeah you can make it dirty really easy tho

Also the one today gives you money without the drugs

Think about this. What is dirty money. Its marked bills. Why would the every customer be walking around with marked bills? Dirty money, marked bills should only be paid out for large jobs from known criminals or where it makes sense like a bank or something.

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That’s what I’m saying :smile:
Who buys drugs from a dealer with dirty money? unless its ALOT!


u right!

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Update 3/9/18
Added a distance check so you cant run away while selling.
Added a dirty money version if you would like that.
Made it so the peds are set free after a sell.

if you need help let me know :smiley:


Hi ExoticNx im trying to use your script but i have a problem… when i try to sell it says"you dont have any drugs", can you help me? thx

hmm do you have the drugs?

rip i know why sec ill fix it

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The reason people think it should be dirty money is cause it adds more to the experince you get the money you have to go clean it and there is more risk to it instead of just selling drugs making cash and go back sell more drugs do it over and over that way there is a risk factor in it :slight_smile:

Be sure to update the changelogs on fixes bro :slight_smile: Keep up the great work

yes i have them! did you figured out?

working on it now will post when i finish it :smiley:

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cant wait…
:smiley: thx!!

Should now be fixed updated the github

i don’t have dirty money on my server so if someone could test and confirm that gives dirty money that would be great :smiley:

its working fine now man!! huge hug!!