[Release] D2FiveM - Control your FXServer with Discord

I got some of it working now, just cant use the commands in the discord tried !!cmdlist and nothing came up

Any errors in the console?

this is it, Im confused by the channel part of this install

Can you show you channels.json

this is where I got confused

This would be why it isn’t working for you.

On discord User settings -> Appearance -> Enable Developer mode.

Then right click and copy channel ID and place it in the corresponding channel you wish for the command to be used in. (Keep in mind if the channel requires special perms to see/post into you need to give the bot those permissions as well

Example please sorry new to this

Here is a example. Its pretty much self explanatory


Ok now I try to connect it to my server and it says unsuccessful checked ip is correct and port

As well as password


Great mod, when it works. Almost everyday it crashes, and the kick/ban commands no longer work, just get the message saying the ID was not found. It was working fine for the longest time then it just stopped. Any updates coming up?

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How can I solve this, I made all the steps like you said

Looks like you’re missing a parentheses in your code syntax.

Check your code

I didn’t change anything in the code.

Solved! NodeJS wasn’t installed correctly on my linux

Is there a reason the bot needs to have permissions to Read and Send in every channel to work correctly? I was planning to have it only visible to the channel that it is listening to (as set in channels.json) so that only the staff could see the bot. When I tried doing this, I got errors spitting out all over the place. So, I went out and scavenged this post to find you saying after the latest release:

If you could let me know how to change this, I would really appreciate it.

The bot works correctly, but it didn’t log kick/ban from server on Discord.

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Any Chance of modifying this to allow people to send rcon commands via the bot ?

Hello thanks for the great bot. I did install this to my 2 servers. One everythings is ok, but on the other server i got this error .

Any idea ?

(i did not change any of the code) just in bot .js i did remove the async because gave me an error)


I am using version of node:

# node --version

–> sollution UPGARDE nodejs here is the following that did fix my problem:

1) remove all "node_modules" directory
     sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/
2) reinstall
     curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
     sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
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