[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

@Kyominii yes I have even more than one

@Kyominii but they are not all blue

kyominii now it says this when i try to join ??

@FakerTV : Can you share us a screenshot please ?

@BEDORAL : Please join the discord

[ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT rank FROM police WHERE identifier = ‘steam:1100001064c8046’ {@identifier=steam:1100001064c8046}”: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

Help please? I set the correct info in the server.cfg
Also, how to setup a CouchDB connection?

You haven’t set the correct info in the server.cfg
And you can’t use CouchDB for this script

I have one issue, i try to join my server but its says Connection failed, Couldnt load resource police. :frowning:
What can i do ?. All files are there and in bat file its says Started resource police whitout errors :S


Started resource essentialmode
Started resource esplugin_mysql
Started resource es_admin2
Failed to load script config/config_db.lua.
Started resource police
Started resource pgmods

I have checked all directorys and the only one I remember was POLICE having that file but its no longer in there. I have installed the package 4 times and no file…

I have delete all and did it from begining and now i can join my server. Coming back if i need more help :slight_smile:

I figured out the trick for this mod. So if you need help I can help you very easily

Tell me :slight_smile:

its not easy to explain. what does you server.cfg mod list look like?

start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start sessionmanager
start fivem
start hardcap
start ■■■■■■■
start scoreboard
start playernames
start police
start es_admin2
start essentialmode
start LockDoors
start mysql-async

I have some error again, but i can come in to my server this time :confused:

Btw how do i get admin on my server with rcon ? i have made to get superadmin with essentialmode but i am not so good at command and script :confused: i just want have access like lambda and so on ?. I must go to bed now, coming back later today :slight_smile:

theres your issue. MySQL-async needs to be before essentialmode and you’re missions a very important plugin.

Go to this link and download this and follwo the instructions very well. This plugin is important. It is the ASI for you SQL database


once you download that you need to set your server.cfg like this

Essentialmode Related(OPTIONAL TAG)

start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start esplugin_mysql

there two commands you have to enter but you need to get this working first.


  • /setgroup (Mod, Admin, SuperAdmin)
  • /setadmin (1-4)

@Jason1123 : Humm no, essentialmode isn’t require to make mysql-async or cops_fivem working

@WhySoSerious : your error is about mysql-async, you haven’t configure it (set mysql_connection_string "server=;database=gta5_gamemode_essential;userid=root;password=1202")
If you still have issues, please join the discord

1.4.2 released

  • Added auto table creation to reduce installation issues.
  • Added the option to enable or disable the blips for police stations.
  • Allow two players forced into one vehicle
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[ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS police (identifier varchar(255) NOT NULL, rank int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0) {=}”: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

[ERROR] [MySQL] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT rank FROM police WHERE identifier = ‘steam:1100001012c08ea’ {@identifier=steam:1100001012c08ea}”: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts.

What to do ?

Make sure you gave to mysql-async right informations (if you have difficulties, you can join the discord)