[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

Hey! For me everything works but two littles problems:

  • Why player cannot move while cuffed (whe have to use the stungun to allow the player to move cuffed)
  • The put in vehicle function work 1 time / 150

Like we say in France,

Par avance merci. :slight_smile:

  • Because he is doing an animation so he’s stuck while he’s cuffed (I don’t find yet how to allow him to move)
  • The player have to look at the vehicle

I don’t have the logs… I don’t have error in my console x)

Because he is doing an animation so he’s stuck while he’s cuffed (I don’t find yet how to allow him to move)
The player have to look at the vehicle

Because the player can move cuffed after being tazzed by STUNGUN, could you add stungun effect when cuff to directly allow the player to move ? :slight_smile:

I confirm that the worries come from the script: Modification n ° 1: Blips by work and crushing of illegal breakdowns

When changing the vdk_recolt file.

When I deco reco I can harvest more I have to go back to pole job to change jobs and take it back and the all remarks then the question is why?

@Morsonn_Music : A drag system will be implements in the next update ([Release]Drag command) , I think it solves your problem isn’t it ?

@Rayden : I’ll take a look if all theses modification still require :wink:


Only play the animation on the top half of his body using this flag ; 49

TASK_PLAY_ANIM(Ped ped, char *animDictionary, char *animationName, float speed, float speedMultiplier, int duration, int flag, float playbackRate, BOOL lockX, BOOL lockY, BOOL lockZ) // EA47FE3719165B94 5AB552C6

For reference purposes I added the native.

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@Kyominii Thanks for the I really know what to do, knowing that in vk_recolt it is necessary not to put this line:

If (IsPedInAnyVehicle (ply, true) == false) then

Otherwise we can not harvest any more than I go to the pole uses or not x)

@element.86 : thanks you for your help :smiley: but I just tried and it’s kind of bugged I think ^^ Animation stop when we open a door and the player play the anim when I uncuffed the player xD
Anyway, I think the drag system should be a good alternative at this ^^’ But I repeat, thanks again :smiley:

@Rayden : this line make harvesting impossible in any vehicle :slight_smile:
Which logs have you check ? Server ? Client ? Or both ? because it’s weird it doesn’t work without any error


I also do not have just error that impossible to harvest after a deco reco. Small error on my part I confirm that the line is correct it does NOT bug. But I stay with bizarre problem. Everything is good all walk but the deco reco on the server makes me ensure that once reco I may be already minor I can not harvest I have to go back to pole job to pass me another trade or minor ironing and the Its walking nikel. The harvest bug after a deco is born and I have no mistake. I do not understand at all x) I followed the tuto. But I confirm TOTALLY that it is due to the modification Modification # 1: Blips per job and hidding illegal blips834 that worry is present.

Ahhhhh, I see your problem. I would check at your problem if I have time this afternoon

Good man thx, i wait x) Because I desperate, I have been looking for 2 days xD

What lines would I use to where only an onduty officer can use the certain function im trying to make them do?

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Use isInService variable in client.lua (true if he’s on duty, false if not)
If you want to have this variable in other script (client-side), you can use export.police:getIsInService()

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@Kyominii You have look my problem ?

Sorry, I don’t have much time today, I’ll try later this evening ^^’

@Kyominii Okay no problem !

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so I lose my police job when I die is there a way to fix that?

Hey guys, I’ve “skimmed” through the posts but there are so many to go through. Is this working for couchdb (ES 3.2)?

It does not support it yet. You can follow the discussion related to this on Github at https://github.com/Kyominii/Cops_FiveM/issues/20

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