[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

Wait the release :slight_smile: it’s soon

hello Its an update ???

It’s a ToDo-List ultra.

Nice ToDoList Kyo, :wink:

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VDK and kyominii are really the best contributors of the community


hello i’am sorry but my english is not good so i use translateur .

Hello my problem is solved but now I have 2 other worries all the people of my server can take the policeman outfit.
And also When I have the police jobs I take my uniform and well I am permission for nothing and / fines / cuff etc.
Thank you for your answers

Bonjour mon probleme est resolu mais maintenant j’ai 2 autre soucis toutes les personnes de mon serveur peuvent prendre la tenue de policier.
Et aussi Quand j’ai le jobs police que je prend mon uniforme et bien je n’est la permission pour rien ni le /fines /cuff etc.
Merci de vos reponses


You can remove numbers with : RemoveBlip(blip)

In recolt > vdkrec.lua:

> function setBlip(x, y, z, num)
>     local blip = AddBlipForCoord(x, y, z)
>     SetBlipSprite(blip, tonumber(num))
>     SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)
> 	local name = ""
> 	if(tonumber(num) == 17) then
> 		name = "Récolte"
> 	else 
> 		if(tonumber(num) == 18) then
> 			name = "Traitement"
> 		else
> 			name = "Vente"
> 		end
> 	end
> 	BeginTextCommandSetBlipName("STRING")
>     AddTextComponentString(name)
>     EndTextCommandSetBlipName(blip)
> 	table.insert(BLIPS, blip)
> 	RemoveBlip(blip)
> end

Emrys : ok thanks but if i do that i will not see anything anymore
i would like to see the small icon like before :slight_smile:

Do you want to change the numbers that appear?
To do this simply change:
if(tonumber(num) == 17) then
the num corresponding to the number of the blip.

When you say (and it remove illegal item in the same time) This means that the illegal elements are not visible to the police? Because I see the message displayed but this one is empty even if the person has elements in are inventory.

Can modify the skin of the car ?

Hello Kyominii,

Can you help me about something, I want to add more id of job, how can I do it ?

-- Control if the player of is near of a place of job
function IsNear()
    local ply = GetPlayerPed(-1)
    local plyCoords = GetEntityCoords(ply, 0)
	if(IsPedInAnyVehicle(ply, true) == false) then
		for k, item in ipairs(JOBS) do
			if(item.job_id == jobId or item.job_id == 6) then
				local distance_field = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(item.fx, item.fy, item.fz, plyCoords["x"], plyCoords["y"], plyCoords["z"], true)
				local distance_treatment = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(item.tx, item.ty, item.tz, plyCoords["x"], plyCoords["y"], plyCoords["z"], true)
				local distance_seller = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(item.sx, item.sy, item.sz, plyCoords["x"], plyCoords["y"], plyCoords["z"], true)
				if (distance_field <= recoltDistance) then
					--jobId = k
					return 'field', item
				elseif (distance_treatment <= recoltDistance) then
					--jobId = k
					return 'treatment', item
				elseif (distance_seller <= recoltDistance) then
					--jobId = k
					return 'seller', item
if(item.job_id == jobId or item.job_id == 6 or item.job_id == Number) then

Test and comeback if not working. On phone, so havent tested


It’s work, I can see the blips for 2 job. But I can’t recolt…

I have to change job_id too?

#New version : Cops FiveM v1.1.0

  • Delete personal weapons in service then restore it
  • Job_system link
  • Female model support
  • Boost cop vehicle
  • Checkplate
  • Helicpoter
  • Unseat (@Thefoxeur54)
  • GUI (menu @Xtas3)
  • Cops can see each other (blips @pongo1231 )
  • Fix inventory check + weapon check (Thanks NicoDarky and Moetel)

##How-to upgrade
Check if you are good about requirements (there is a new package available in OP – sorry for fr scripts ^^’), and add isIllegal NON NULL BOOLEAN (refer to sql) in items table

If I forgot to say something here for the update, please notice me :smiley:


10-4 Kyo. All is perfect, I repeat, All is perfect.

Thanks to share us this awesome kind of stuff (Have already told it no ? :))

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Thanks ! Is it working with last update of inventory?

Yes, just check OP :slight_smile:
(I modified the limitation pastebin)

Thanks for updating and tracking :ok_hand: , can be add the function delete a vehicle can serve times

cool :smiley: thanks a lot, love you <3