[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

and last one really. is there a way to using F7 billing system and search id ?
this fine system doesnt work. when he accept bill. still have same money

I don’t know what is the F7 billing system
Check you are using banking and you modified banking like I said in the readme

i use esx and essential mode.
where i have to put this code for banking ?=

AddEventHandler('bank:withdrawAmende', function(amount)
  TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)
      local rounded = round(tonumber(amount), 0)
      if(string.len(rounded) >= 9) then
        TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "", {0, 0, 200}, "^1Input too high^0")
        local player = user.identifier
        local bankbalance = bankBalance(player)
        withdraw(player, rounded)
        local new_balance = bankBalance(player)
        TriggerClientEvent("fs_core:notify", source, "CHAR_BANK_MAZE", 1, "Maze Bank", false, "Withdrew: ~g~$".. rounded .." ~n~~s~New Balance: ~g~$" .. new_balance)
        TriggerClientEvent("banking:updateBalance", source, new_balance)
        TriggerClientEvent("banking:removeBalance", source, rounded)

If you are not using banking, you have to modify cops to make it work with esx

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is there a way do the police staff with chat commands ?

You have to create commands by yourself, because this script is a menu-based script

i mixed two of them :smiley:

1.4.0 (09/23/2017)

  • Add ranks
  • Add chat police rank
  • Add parameter in menu system
  • Add bindings in config file
  • Remove essentialmode requirement
  • Remove CouchDb support
  • Remove cfx-server version support
  • Fix : Disconnection won’t change the job id
  • Fix : Heading for police vehicles
  • Fix : parachute isn’t working
  • Fix : Disconnect player stuck to cop when dragged
  • Some small fixes

The dev repo will be closed, please switch on official repo

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where is the updated link

Here : [Release] Cops FiveM

EDIT : I created a dev branch, no longer private dev repo

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A discord server for support is now available :

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Anyone know how to help me with this?:
I edited the armory.lua copkit lines and now for some reason when I start the police resource it makes it so that my server doesnt show up

I added the following weapon to the weapon selection and the following weapons to the copkit:

buttonWeaponList(#buttonWeaponList+1] = (name = txt[config.lang]["WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE"], func = 'giveCarbineRifle')

function giveBasicKit()
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL"), 250, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_STUNGUN"), 200, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK"), 200, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT"), 200, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN"), 200, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE"), 350, true, true)


I have no idea how to add whitelisting. When I go to type /addcop [ID] it comes up as plain text not a command. any suggestions?

New logo & banner :

Made by @Oskr :smiley:


I noticed that when I first installed 1.4.0 that it did not allow me to force someone into the car. Has this been fixed from the update that occurred yesterday?

how can u white list on there it dosnt work

I don’t seem to be getting any options when trying to go on duty.

Any advice?


I understand that, I have found both instances, but I have cleared both local and server cache and relaunched but the issue remains.

I’m still trying to find a way to get the CVPI and Dodge Chargers to work (ELS)

They were functioning at one point but now are not, uncertain what happened.

I’m afraid to upgrade to 1.4 because of this issue.

Cops isn’t a ELS script, maybe the ELS script your are using is not up to date