[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

Ohh I think I see, try to start police before the script which manage distance in the chat (server.cfg)

EDIT : Which script are you using for that ?

I can’t seem to get the copadd command to work on my server

Have you more precision about your issue ?

Okay so I installed it on my server today, configured it with couchdb and joined my server when I tried to add a cop via command it just showed the command as well as the id (mine)

For clarification I have whitelist turned off

copadd and coprem are disable if whitelist is turned off (because copadd let you add a policeman in the whitelist)
And be carefull, CouchDB isn’t support anymore in 1.4

Ok, so what are command then for uncheck, menu, etc?

i dont remember where I got it from but I show u the code the other script am using

	local player = source
	local r = math.random(10,250)
	local g = math.random(10,250) 
	local b = math.random(10,250)
	TriggerClientEvent("setPlayerColor", player, r, g, b)

AddEventHandler("chatMessage", function(source, name, message)
    if message:sub(1, 1) == "/" then
        fullcmd = stringSplit(message, " ")
        cmd = fullcmd[1]
		local msg = fullcmd[2]
		for k,v in ipairs(fullcmd) do
			if k > 2 then
				msg = msg .. " " .. fullcmd[k]

        if cmd == "/me" then
			TriggerClientEvent("sendProximityMessageMe", -1, source, name, tostring(msg))
        if cmd == "/do" then
			TriggerClientEvent("sendProximityMessageDo", -1, source, name, tostring(msg))
        if cmd == "/g" then
			TriggerClientEvent("sendGlobalMessage", -1, source, name, tostring(msg))
		if cmd == "/ad" then
			TriggerClientEvent("sendAdMessage", -1, source, name, tostring(msg))
		if cmd == "/loc" then
			TriggerClientEvent("sendOOCMessage", -1, source, name, tostring(msg))
		TriggerClientEvent("sendProximityMessage", -1, source, name, message)

function stringSplit(inputstr, sep)
    if sep == nil then
        sep = "%s"
    local t={} ; i=1
    for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
        t[i] = str
        i = i + 1
    return t

*idcheck, cop menu, etc

@Wolfstrike : If your whitelist is turned off, no commands is needed. Just clock yourself in the police station and use F5 button (default button) to open the menu (all features are in the menu)

@roboticgamer : Ohhh, it’s using sendProximityMessage event and not chatMessage, let me see if I can make cops compatible with this for you

EDIT : @roboticgamer okay so remove

		TriggerClientEvent("sendProximityMessage", -1, source, name, message)

from your chat script and replace https://github.com/Kyominii/Cops_FiveM_dev/blob/master/police/server/server.lua#L301 by TriggerClientEvent("sendProximityMessage", -1, source, name, message)
It should work with this “hack” ^^


when you dress swat. than there is no change when you want to be officer or be detective about clothin still swat suit

and if you select officer or detective nothings happen about clothin

Yes, you have to clock out then clock into officer
It is because when you dress as a swat, your player ped model is changed

EDIT : I’ve just submit a new ticket to not forget : https://github.com/Kyominii/Cops_FiveM/issues/85

when you entered clock out. still no out when you swat.
i mean only when logout and login the game than you can be officer
also where is the heli spawn location do you know ?

and when i installed this my icons for vehicleshop become like this (no text)

About clock out, modify this line with the event provide by your outfits script : https://github.com/Kyominii/Cops_FiveM_dev/blob/master/police/client/cloackroom.lua#L132

Helistation is located here : https://github.com/Kyominii/Cops_FiveM_dev/blob/master/police/client/client.lua#L55

And your issue about icons isn’t come from cops

I edited the armory.lua copkit lines and now for some reason when I start the police resource it makes it so that my server doesnt show up

I added the following weapon to the weapon selection and the following weapons to the copkit:

buttonWeaponList(#buttonWeaponList+1] = (name = txt[config.lang]["WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE"], func = 'giveCarbineRifle')

function giveBasicKit()
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_COMBATPISTOL"), 250, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_STUNGUN"), 200, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK"), 200, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT"), 200, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN"), 200, true, true)
	GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE"), 350, true, true)

do you know why this happen when i installed police

@Kyominii put player to car doesnt work :S

Like I already said, I don’t think your blips are broken because of police, check your logs
And put player is working : [Release] Cops FiveM

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@Kyominii put player to car doesnt work :S

last one how to add new vehicles and outfits ?

and how to add commands for
put in vehicle
cuff/uncuff etc.

Modify cloackroom.lua and garage.lua

You have to clock in in a police station and use the police menu (F5)