[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

If cop whitelist is disable, no need to use /copadd because copadd is used to add in cop whitelist
And yes, that’s it

set useCopWhitelist = true
delete cache and restart server
after that set player as admin and use command /copadd

So i added the go on-duty blimp in the paleto bay police station and it is not poping up anything when i go there and press E.

If you read a few comments up it’s a known issue. Only vespucci blvd is active for now.

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Thanks hopefully he fixes this very soon

Can you not just un-comment these lines and edit the coords to your liking?
Correct me if I’m wrong I haven’t done it.

takingService = {
  --{x=850.156677246094, y=-1283.92004394531, z=28.0047378540039},
  {x=457.956909179688, y=-992.72314453125, z=30.6895866394043}
  --{x=1856.91320800781, y=3689.50073242188, z=34.2670783996582},
  --{x=-450.063201904297, y=6016.5751953125, z=31.7163734436035}

I have done that and nothing happens

Have you cleared your cache?

yeah i have done everything correctly and i have had no luck… You can try and if you succeed you can bring it back to the forum

how do i make it so people can walk while they are arrested

When copWhitelist is disabled, everyone can take his service in the police station.
And you have to be on duty to arrest ppl :slight_smile:

but i just want people to be able to move when their cuffed

People being able to move while they’re cuffed is normally a recipe for disaster. Just a warning.

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Any news on whats going on with getPlayerFromID in the banking addition?

Can u make a license checker for

How would I convert this gui menu to commands?

when i go on-duty and press f5 no menu shows up?

@Valderg : which version of banking are you using ?

@Zesha : sure, please add this on github (github’s issues is my todo-list)

@chefslaya : use essentialmode to do that

@Zach : A menu should appear, are you sure you are on-duty ? Have you errors ?

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cant find that sql file to add the cops

2.0 I commented what the bankwithdraw function was previous to your response if you needed it.