[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

so is there a way to make it some whenever someone gets in a car it registers to them

yeah it s the job “9” I realy don t understand

Hi im having a slight issue, On my server once a cop dies the “start service” circle vanishes so he cant take service again untill a server restart. any fixes for this

Do I have to use the Inventory as well as recolt, As I don’t know anything about SQL or how or wheer to “excute the dump.sql in the database”.

I mainly just want the fines, jail, check license plate, force cuffed player to enter vehicle, unseat them.

That is all I really need.

Having an issue.

If i add/enable cars in the copcar shop it bugs the menu and i get stuff in a car if im just browsing through?

Yes this Is an issue if you have more then 4 cars in menu each time you scroll down menu car moves off the blip till you glitch out and can’t drive so have to /dv it and try again…

Anyway to fix this?

Press X (if you have Handsup) to get of the vehicle :slight_smile:

no i just /dv it… this needs to be fixed somehow. or maybe down show cars while scrolling only when selecting

Does anybody know how to change the Player-Overheard from . * to something else (currently it’s a . then a star symbol)

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Anybody know? thanks:D

i added this script and it all working good but the job system that was in the middle of the city went away and noone can take jobs anymore any idea why?

It’s already out, super confusing now since none of the requirements support it.

I know essentialmode 3.+ and couchDb is out, i mean the cops version for essentialmode 3.+

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Sorry, wrong thread!

i sent you a pm
read when you can

am sending the error now when I check the plate.


In Server.lua, replace line 122 to 133, with this:

AddEventHandler('police:checkingPlate', function(plate)
	local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("SELECT * FROM user_vehicle JOIN users ON user_vehicle.identifier = users.identifier WHERE vehicle_plate = '@plate'", { ['@plate'] = plate })
	local result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, { 'Nom' }, "identifier")
	if (result[1]) then
		for _, v in ipairs(result) do
			TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, 'STATE', {255, 0, 0}, "Licenseplate "..plate.." belongs to " .. v.Nom)
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, 'STATE', {255, 0, 0}, "Licenseplate "..plate.." does not belong to anyone. Most likely stolen.")

Problem has to do with no field in your Users table, named “Nom” with a big N, but “nom” with a small n. I just replaced “Nom” in the SQL-request with a *, could also be replaced with just “nom”, both works.

its not working I changed to *on my num table still getting errors.


Does this work with the newest version of garages cause i dont have an old version?

I never said to edit your database… Reverse the changes in the database, and use the lines i sent here, please read better next time: