[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

stations and garages

Hello, really good script you saved my life but I have the same error like Emrys but it was also before I downloaded ou’re script if you could help me ---- my login.lua :

AddEventHandler(“es:getPlayerFromId”, function(user, cb)

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local takingService = {
{x=457.956909179688, y=-992.72314453125, z=30.6895866394043}
{x=1856.91320800781, y=3689.50073242188, z=34.2670783996582},
{x=-450.063201904297, y=6016.5751953125, z=31.7163734436035}

local stationGarage = {
{x=452.115966796875, y=-1018.10681152344, z=28.4786586761475},
{x=452.115966796875, y=-1018.10681152344, z=28.4786586761475},
{x=452.115966796875, y=-1018.10681152344, z=28.4786586761475}

just add and change location as you want
simple isn’t it ? :slight_smile:

i’ll check that later

I already did it and it did not work ,I think you need to change here, too. exemple while true do
if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(370.243377685547, -1623.57214355469, 29.2919521331787,GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))) > 2 then
if vestpolice.opened then

If I change in the station and garage only the marking appears but the command is not generated

But I do not know how to do it could help me?

ohh that’s right, so you have 2 choices now ^^

  1. wait I support multi-location natively
  2. do it by yourself but I don’t help in this case (haven’t enough time sorry ^^)

Okay no problem thank you very much

All right, I’ll go try <3, thank you anyway

vdk inventory updated or not ???

yes Zesha, you can also find limitation for this version in the original thread

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You are working hard man thank you so muchhhhhhhhhh.

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I found one bug
See these files in the cops folder


The problem is in them, even if I activate other stations, only the marking appears the command to go into service or pick up the car does not appear

what are the ranks in file cant find them

why you didn’t add /unseat command there :3

@origintk222 : thanks to read when we reply to you …

@Zesha :

Cop commands (for lite version, in full version, see menu)

Lite version still in v1.0.1 so there’s no unseat command atm :slight_smile:

I can not create the table is illegal … This always tells me a mistake how to do it please. :frowning: my check still does not work

Hi Kyominii
for new update is nesesary to edit this …

Modification #1 : Blips per job and hidding illegal blips589

Modification #2 : Change name of blips326

Modification #3 : Add limitations400

or juste update your file script its OK ?



Thank you for sharing it is really cool. Do you think it is possible to run this release on another mode ( es_roleplay) ?

What are the prerequisites?

Thank you again and have fun !

Hello et merci pour le partage, c’est vraiment cool !
Pense tu qu’il est possible de faire fonctionner cette release sur un autre mode type es_roleplay ?
Si oui, quels sont les prérequis?

Encore merci et have fun !

Create the column manually :slight_smile:

When ever i quit Database sets my “on Hand” Money to 0 . Not sure what is causing this.

Anyone else having this problem?

I am trying to create the isillegal column but I get this error:

16:19:19	ALTER TABLE `items` ADD `isIllegal` BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE AFTER `isIllegal`	Error Code: 1054. Unknown column 'isIllegal' in 'items'	0.000 sec