[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

Very nice share, it will be usefull to a lot ! :slight_smile:


Amazing :slight_smile: Thanks for this so useful release !

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Hi, can you add when we add or leave the job we respawn with mp_m_freemode_01plz ?

SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 0, 0, 0, 2) --Face
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 2, 11, 4, 2) --Hair
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 4, 1, 5, 2) – Pantalon
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 6, 1, 0, 2) – Shoes
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 11, 7, 2, 2) – Jacket

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is it for police uniform ?

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no sorry it’s for civil respawn, I did not find the values for the police uniform

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pants 25,2
shoes 24,0
torso 55,0
shirt 58,0

that’s your cop uniform

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Thanks you for your script @Kyominii

@Ked Where did you found it ?

searched on my own trying out outfits with my skin script


Kyo, I don’ understand very well what to do with the SQL Table ( Modification 3).

Could you explain us a better way please ? :slight_smile:

Kyominii your are my king ^^ good job

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Thanks ked, I’ll add this soon :slight_smile:

Scapin :

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no prob, this gave me a headache tbh x)


Thanks Kyo. i just dunno where to put the line you wrote. Creating the Column in the table it’s Ok. But I don’t realy understand this :

Step 2 :
add "i1.limitation AS raw_lim, i2.limitation AS treat_lim" in SQL request and add "'raw_lim', 'treat_lim'" in getResults (server.lua in vdk_recolt : jobs:getJobs event handler)

Thanks :slight_smile:

AddEventHandler("jobs:getJobs", function ()
	jobs = {}
	if(not result) then
		local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("SELECT price, i1.`id` AS raw_id, i1.`libelle` AS raw_item, i2.`id` AS treat_id, i2.`libelle` AS treat_item, p1.x AS fx, p1.y AS fy, p1.z AS fz, p2.x AS tx, p2.y AS ty, p2.z AS tz, p3.x AS sx, p3.y AS sy, p3.z AS sz, job_id, i1.limitation AS raw_lim, i2.limitation AS treat_lim FROM recolt LEFT JOIN items i1 ON recolt.`raw_id`=i1.id LEFT JOIN items i2 ON recolt.`treated_id`=i2.id LEFT JOIN coordinates p1 ON recolt.`field_id`=p1.id LEFT JOIN coordinates p2 ON recolt.`treatment_id`=p2.id LEFT JOIN coordinates p3 ON recolt.`seller_id`=p3.id")
		result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, { 'price', 'raw_id', 'raw_item', 'treat_id', 'treat_item', 'fx', 'fy', 'fz', 'tx', 'ty', 'tz', 'sx', 'sy', 'sz', 'job_id', 'raw_lim', 'treat_lim' })
		if (result) then
			jobs = result
		jobs = result
    TriggerClientEvent("cli:getJobs", source, jobs)

In server.lua (vdk_recolt)


hii thx for script, I have a few questions I use vdk inventory well but not VDK_recolt, I use the script illegal its walking when same or not? thx :slight_smile:

You have to modify checkInventory in server.lua to make my script compatible with your inventory

Hi Kyo,

In modification #2 there is no instruction, are we supposed to write your code inside the end of the function like this ?

function setBlip(x, y, z, num)
    local blip = AddBlipForCoord(x, y, z)
    SetBlipSprite(blip, tonumber(num))
    SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)
    table.insert(BLIPS, blip)
    local name = ""
    if(tonumber(num) == 17) then
        name = "Recolt"
        if(tonumber(num) == 18) then
            name = "Treatment"
            name = "Sell"

There are instructions ^^

–in vdkrec.lua : setBlip function, around line 90–

And yes, it’s that function to modify

Mmmh, ok then there is instructions, still it’s not explaining much :stuck_out_tongue:

What are we supposed to do with that piece of code ?
Replace the current function, add it to the end or something else ?

Sorry for the stupid question, but i guess i’ll not be the only one to answer you that in the future.

If you could paste here the corrected function it would help, thanks in advance

Thanks for the release very good job :wink:

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