[Release] Cinematic Cam


SetTimecycleModifierStrength(FLOAT VALUE GOES HERE)

Has to be called AFTER “SetTimecycleModifier(FILTER ID)”.

Default value is 1.0, everything lower makes the effect less strong, everything higher usually makes it go weird… like LSD Trip weird… if you can still see things xD


how did u find this btw

Trial and Error in the Native List


I knew what SetTimecycleModifier did from other scripts. I literally just looked for the function to get all the modifiers and then I saw the other one and tried it out. That’s about it.

really nice , love your work , but i have a little probleme and i don’t know why , i can’t lock the cam on my caractere and move , i can only have freecam , someone have this probleme and know how to fixe that ? ty

could someone help how to create function in this to allow to use it by steam hex only?

If I understand you correctly, that is not possible as of right now. (having the cam turned on disables player movement to allow for the camera movement)

I want to get a checkbox in there to make it work, but I currently don’t really have the time to change any code.

I don’t know how good you are in scripting yourself, I’ll give you a small tutorial:

  • have a global variable “whitelistStatus” initialized as nil
  • Trigger a server callback (esx provides those for example) at the beginning of the script (before entering the while true loops!) to get the whitelist status and write it to “whitelistStatus”.
  • create a server script that has the callback in it. Get the SteamID, compare it with your whitelist (the callback should just be a bool containing if the user is whitelisted or not)
  • after the callback AND BEFORE BOTH loops check if the “whitelistStatus” is still nil in a while true loop
  • after that have an if around the main loops which checks if the “whitelistStatus” is true (this is to max out performance for users that don’t use the cam at all; if it is false, the script just stops)

I cannot tell you much more, I wanted to keep it independent from all Frameworks and whatever.

I have a version that checks for admins on an esx server, but it is more limited than this version.

A query. When I activate the kinematic camera, it is impossible for me to move the character, since the camera’s controls are present … Is it my fault or is it because while it is active, the kinematic camera has ASWD assigned?
Would there be some way to tell you that, if you close the menu, even if the camera is still active, return all the controls to me? That is, false the Cfg.disabledControls. Or would I have to modify the camera controls in the client. Can I move with the character or vehicle while the camera is active?

I know what you want and it is on my mental to-do list, but sadly I don’t really have the time to implement e.g. a button to give the controls to the player again. I will eventually get back on this, but I couldn’t tell you when. Sorry.

If you want to move a car while in the camera, I suggest getting another player as a driver. He can drive, you can film.

Don’t worry, I tried to implement it. Just as I created a new Config.ui variable, to use the toggleui and hide it absolutely everything.

Unsure on what is happening here. I can see /freecam when i go to type it however i am greeted with this error message with no UI showing.

did you find a way to fix that error? i have the same

@Plugg-Mods @Sincere.premium

I just had someone on Discord with the same issue. You have to make sure, that you use the proper NativeUILua from Frazzle (see the original description). ANY other version will NOT work.
That means that NativeUILuaReloaded will NOT work. (to be more exact: Reloaded changes stuff inside submenus, this is why the error in the screenshot happens)

If you think you have the right version, please redownload both my script and NativeUILua by Frazzle and try it again.
If it still does not work, stop your server, clear the cache (of the server) and then do it again.

Great release, I use it for my server and everyone loves it

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throwing this error

I just had someone on Discord with the same issue. You have to make sure, that you use the proper NativeUILua from Frazzle (see the original description). ANY other version will NOT work.
That means that NativeUILuaReloaded will NOT work. (to be more exact: Reloaded changes stuff inside submenus, this is why the error in the screenshot happens)
If you think you have the right version, please redownload both my script and NativeUILua by Frazzle and try it again.
If it still does not work, stop your server, clear the cache (of the server) and then do it again.

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Sorry, I just saw your message.

Exactly what EXLIP3S said, you NEED to use NativeUILua from Frazzle, any other version won’t work. I don’t have the time to update it. If anyone here got the knowledge to do so, feel free to do it (it is not that hard).

Can someone help me? I am getting the script error even on Frazzle’s NativeUILua

How do you attach this to an entity and then move the entity or control the car your driving while in camera mode?

I’m having this same issue…I can’t get the camera to stay fixed while driving…