[Release] ChatBasics (/pm, /me, /do, localchat, /b)

yes i have same problem i had to start putting a “.” or something in front of it /do . testing chat
man i wish i could fix Local IC chat sigh

i added this to the bottom

TriggerEvent(‘es:addCommand’, ‘s’, function(source, args, user)
local name = getIdentity(source)
TriggerClientEvent(“sendProximityMessageMe”, -1, source, name.firstname, table.concat(args, " "))

How would I go about taking the PM part and make it work alone?


Is there any reason the normal chat does this? and how could I fix if there is a way

if i add this ill #esx_rpchat that I am using, im just wondering is there any global chat left? would be nice to have a /ooc for global support

I am having problems. it leaves the first word out of the convo when i type this /do picks up a rock what it shows is up a rock

been a while any updates to this?

Yes! I am having this exact same problem

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yep it is a mess, the /pm system never worked, i did not bother telling my players about it so im not getting hassled about that. would be nice to see some updates, I love LOVE this chat system, i did ende up making a /ooc though we still needed one, i just modified the /twt from rpchat i think but made it stand alone. please please we need a update to this

what i would love to see, would love to see the local chat /me /do all show character name and not steam name

yep your version of esentialmode makes the chatbasic script work great, but it messes with everything else I have going, chatbasic is so much better than rpchat, If you ever think about updateing your essentialmode with the most resent version let me know I would love to have the /pm function work

I try to /pm https://prnt.sc/rl4git
Double do commands https://prnt.sc/rl4gqr
Chat bugged (when i write one message it write 4) https://prnt.sc/rl4hcs

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Hello, I have a problem. I did everything what you say in the Installation Guide, but I have two chats - ESX basic and this chat. If I disable ESX Basic chat, I have GTA:O chat. Sorry for my bad English. I hope you help me. Thank you.

anyway to make this show up the character name and not the player name?

can you add commands like /police and /ems to check how many police/ems are in the server


Hello, I am having this problem with essentialmode 6.4.2 and the latest artifactschaterror

same problem

Hi all,

Has anyone managed to get this working?

Kind regards,

Shane :slight_smile:

/do /me and /b are all removing the first word. Is there a fix for this?

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How do i disable localic chat i don’t need it.

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