[Release] Car spawning via chat commands

Hi, I am trying to write a simple script to spawn cars without trainer, using /spawn xxx in chat. I am pretty new to Lua so be gentle.

I think I have working server side script to capture the desired car name from chat. I also have client script that can spawn cars if the model hash is known.

My question: how do I share or send the string from the server that has the desired vehiclename to the client where the car is spawned? Or is this the wrong way to go?

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Thereā€™s a good example how to do commands and networking here

But networking on the server is essentially TriggerClientEvent(Event,ClientId,...)
    If ClientId is -1 itā€™s broadcasted to all players
    ... Is a vararg meaning you can have any amount of arguments
Clientside is a bit more annnoying as you also have to register it with RegisterNetEvent(Event)
After that you just add a normal event handler AddEventHandler(Event,function(...) end

In the end you should have something like this

-- Server
	if Msg:sub(1,6) == "/spawn" then
-- Client
	-- Code
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Thanks to you I solved this problem. Thank you so much! I hope threads like this help others who use the search here.

Itā€™s hard to learn the ropes. Reading up on Lua helps, as does studying the natives and looking at other scripts. But sometimes you are still left with a gap, trying to figure out what native does or what the parameters mean, etc.

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Is there anyway you could upload the script you got working? I canā€™t seem to figure it out, unfortunately.


make a new folder, call it whatever you want, then just copy the lines into a new file named ā€œsv_spawn.luaā€ then paste, create a new file name it resources, in there add
"server_script ā€˜sv_spawn.luaā€™ " then make sure the folder in added to the cit-mp.yml to the autoresources

CaesarNero, I hoped someone who knows what they were doing might give you some completed script. I have something working but itā€™s embedded in a bigger script that I am playing with. When I extract the /spawn vehicle section however it doesnā€™t act like I expect. It seems to need a loop in the client but Iā€™m not sure why. Anyway, you can use this below until someone does it properly ā€“ I think it will work.

Create a folder named ā€˜Spawnā€™ in your server ā€˜resourcesā€™ folder and then create these files. First put the following into a file named ā€˜sv_spawn.luaā€™:

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, n, message)
  local args = stringsplit(message, " ")
  if (args[1] == "/spawn") then
    if (args[2] ~= nil) then
      local playerID = tonumber(source)
      local vehicleName = tostring(args[2])
      TriggerClientEvent('VehicleSpawn', playerID, vehicleName)
      local event = 'chatMessage'
      local eventTarget = source
      local messageSender = "SYSTEM"
      local messageSenderColor = {200, 0, 0}
      local message = "Usage: /spawn <Vehicle_Name>  (for example /spawn polmav)"
      TriggerClientEvent(event, eventTarget, messageSender, messageSenderColor, message)

function stringsplit(self, delimiter)
  local a = self:Split(delimiter)
  local t = {}

  for i = 0, #a - 1 do
     table.insert(t, a[i])

  return t

Second put the following in a file named ā€˜cl_spawn.luaā€™:

AddEventHandler('VehicleSpawn', function(vehicleName)
  local myPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  local player = PlayerId()
  local vehicle = GetHashKey(vehicleName)
  while not HasModelLoaded(vehicle) do
  local coords = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, 5.0, 0)
  local spawned_car = CreateVehicle(vehicle, coords, GetEntityHeading(myPed), true, false)

  while true do

Third create your ā€˜__resource.luaā€™ file in the same folder with the following:

client_script "cl_spawn.lua"
server_script "sv_spawn.lua"

And finally, in the citmp-server.yml file in your main server folder, add ā€œ- spawnā€ to the end of your list of ā€œAutoStartResources:ā€.


Thank you very much!

Works perfectly. Thank you

How to make spawn only one car model with one drive?

i have error with the script

Hello there,

I was wondering if you could help to add a permission in this code because iā€™ve tried but it doesnt work.

Thanks in advance

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Hello! Iā€™ve been using this script in my CitizenMP Server and itā€™s working fine but when I try it in FX Server itā€™s not working!! Any clues why itā€™s not working?

Replace function in server script:

function stringsplit(inputstr, sep)
    if sep == nil then
        sep = "%s"
    local t={} ; i=1
    for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
        t[i] = str
        i = i + 1
    return t

I tried this for my local FX test server and keep getting error when connecting to server ā€œcould not load resource spawnā€


i fallowed ur step but didnt still spawn car is there anything els i should do to the script ?

ME TOO lol i did the same thing that this guy said

hi bro. i dont have the citmp-server.yml fileā€¦ what do i need to do?

Hereā€™s an updated one Very simple /car command

How to install the script?

hey mate !! do you have any solution about remove command (SPAWN) in chat, coz someone can (/spawn khanjali) in my server !! thx