[Release] Better voice chat (no more voices through walls)

can this script work with gcphone?

Everyone can listen anywhere on the map if they have OneSync enabled.

Because it is not onesync compatible since this script uses the native’s voice chat


Do you have a voice system that works well with Mumble?

you have to disable vmenu for it to work. Even if you disable vmenu vc, it will also turn off regular vc

fixed with the last commit

Sooo whats the best for 64 slotted serve for VoIP?

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yes i use it

how can i add “icon” like is seeing while talk someone


Hey, can i get a quick tip on how to disable that big circle that shows when you change the hearing range?

Very nice resourse my friend !

Hello, is this system working correctly with OneSync, 80 - 120 slots. Is it optimized or there may be bugs because of the number of players talking at the same time. Or it does not work ? Sorry for English

Hello, I have a question how to add to the new HTML UI script

Look very usefull and well done, but the fact that more and more server are using OneSync, do you plan making it compatible with OneSync or making something similar for it ?

Ah, so this resource is not compatible with OneSync

No it’s not, thats why i’m asking …

It is not, and because used natives are not compatible yet with the 1s voice chat.

its not working any ideas? ofc i am trying it on onesync when i change loops but it wont even show ui for it or options its like started but not there… weird i read what PichotM said but i cant really believe it :smiley:

how to change F6 keybind?

The natives don’t work with OneSync