[Release] Basic UI

Name: Basic UI

Description: This resource has some basic UI elements. These elements are: Location display, Speedometer and you can see who's talking. Images:

Player location

People talking


Installation: Extract to your server resources and append: "es_pld" to your autostartresources.

Download: https://kanersps.pw/files/es_pld.zip


works great buddy, any idea if you are ever going to update that Clone script you made with a new gui or anything? I tried it and it locked up my keyboard after trying to arrest someone.

Probably not soon maybe later

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good to hear it might make a come back

Also here’s my coordinates edit to match the location of the LSPDFR Player Location mod beside the radar map instead of on top, kind of overlaps when someone is joining with the originals.

		if(var2 ~= 0)then
			drawTxt(0.675, 1.42, 1.0,1.0,0.4, "~w~[~y~" .. tostring(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var2)) .. "~w~]", 255, 255, 255, 255)

		if(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1) and GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z))then
			if(zones[GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)] and tostring(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1)))then
				drawTxt(0.675, 1.45, 1.0,1.0,0.4, direction .. "~b~ | ~y~" .. tostring(GetStreetNameFromHashKey(var1)) .. " ~w~/ ~y~" .. zones[GetNameOfZone(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)], 255, 255, 255, 255)


if you want km/h:

		if(IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), false))then
			local speed = GetEntitySpeed(GetVehiclePedIsIn(GetPlayerPed(-1), false)) * 3.6

			drawTxt(1.407, 1.30, 1.0,1.0,0.7, "~y~" .. math.ceil(speed) .. "", 255, 255, 255, 255)
			drawTxt(1.4, 1.337, 1.0,1.0,0.7, "~b~ km/h", 255, 255, 255, 255)
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This script only gets the heading from the lowest ID player. Streets work fine. To fix it:

direction = GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed())
needs to be
direction = GetEntityHeading(GetPlayerPed(-1))

Just forgot the -1

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How would I disable the whos talking in this? really dont want to change that, rather have it up on top where the default one is.

how can i disable speedometer? pls help !!!:cold_sweat:

You can edit the one in the Script.

How would i change the yellow and blue to white?

i have tried to change the 255, 255, 255, 255
but nothing happens?

Change the ~y~ to ~w~. Hope this help you!

What is the real file name!

I have the script and the map location is working perfectly, just having issues where I can’t see the talking ui … Any solutions?

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It says its damaged…