[RELEASE] B1G_AmmuJob - Ammunation job with with weapon pieces system

thats very strange tho, if you didnt change the script then its very wierd, try to restart the script without leaving the server

Made a small update to Cliente.lua to fix the “job nil” bug, just download it !

When I got the weapon pieces what have i to do next? with that weapon pieces

This is AWSOME!!!

Hey, you have to buy the weapons using pieces + cash in your shop,!

why comprar armas dont work? I have armour pieces but when click on comprar armas dont open

Dont ask me, maybe you didnt follow my instructions (?)

suggestions are appreciated

You need to cleanup the code, there are functions and local variables that are unused.

Thats not true, all the code is needed, but there are some lines commented, if you want to enable it then uncomment them.

Good job.

I just wonder if it is possible to make the gun you craft/buy to be without bullets? Right now they are all fully loaded. I want to fix so you have to buy bullets as well.

Go to server.lua and change the value of the bullets to 0

Cant really find anything stated as bullet…

TriggerServerEvent(‘esx_ammujob:giveWeapon’, weapon, 250)

AddEventHandler(‘esx_ammujob:giveWeapon’, function(weapon, ammo)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
xPlayer.addWeapon(weapon, ammo)

Open your eyes next time xD

I’ve seen that lines, by editing them nothing is changing.

Nothing changes? xD instead of 250 place 30 … and it will give you a weapon with 30 bullets

Well, i understand that it was supposed to do that, as my policejob is almost the same and working with the change. Your repo is not chaning upon that edit, weird but true.

I Found why, i will lauch an update soon, stay tuned

Great job mate! Thanks for fast and good help! :slight_smile:

UPDATED - Now there is a new Config value called “Config.Bullets” where you can change the bullets ammount.

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