[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

You’ll need the old essential not the new V3.

Thanks, i got the one from this thread, is it linked to new one?

EDIT Think i got right one has the mysql.dll

I’m on my phone so difficult to check. But yes the version in the OP. Although I don’t see the SQL file to dump. Again I’m on mobile. If you don’t find it by morning (it’s 11pm where I am) msg me I’ll grab it off my dedicated server for you.

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11pm here also, Thanks allot. mysql pain in ass for me. But want cop jobs lol

When i do /copadd for the second time its not saying anything and its not working …

Hi, I would like to know you found the codes of clothes for glasses, ect outfits.

Code :

		SetPedPropIndex(GetPlayerPed(-1), 1, 5, 0, 2)             --Lunette Soleil
		SetPedPropIndex(GetPlayerPed(-1), 2, 0, 0, 2)             --Ecouteur Bluetooh
		SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 11, 55, 0, 2)  --Chemise Police
		SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 8, 58, 0, 2)   --Ceinture+matraque Police 
		SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 4, 35, 0, 2)   --Pantalon Police
		SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 6, 24, 0, 2)   --Chaussure Police
		SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 10, 8, 0, 2)   --grade 0

I’ll check error about essentialmode this afternoon

sobo : yes, later :slight_smile:

cedmen : if someone is already in cop whitelist, it wouldn’t work to readd this player ^^ (but it should display some texts, I’ll check that)

Flico : @Xtas3 give it to me, but you can use Lambda Menu on a private server with Player section

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ok having issues still, narrowed down to essentialsmode or es_freeroam. Did fresh install of mysql set user/passwords gta_gamemode_essentail database.

But it doesn’t want to work for some reason. and not sure why. opened ports mysql did firewall.

Another thing when you are giving a fine its not removing player money and its not giving the money to the cop .

Malaras : it happens sometime on my server too, I can fix the problem by restarting the server. You can fix the problem with CouchDB too (maybe I would make a couchdb release soon)

cedmen1 : the cop won’t get the money and make sure you have edit banking script

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How can i add multiple spawn in different locations?

I have server for Couchdb that works great i just don’t have Cop Job/ stores reason i trying to get Mysql to work so can have cop job for people… but this is a pita… here is another error b4 that one.

And Thanks for the reply

@origintk222 : what are you talking about ?

@Malaras : do fix this error, just check credentials to your db, maybe wrong password/username

i have 20x+ times been trying to fix this for like 6h even reinstalled it only comes up when i go to log into the server. server boots fine with no errors till i go to log in.

EDIT just baffled, reason i’m finally asking for help. in the configs / server files have checked rechecked they all the same.

EDIT2 from experience tonight, it would through errors on server boot if pass was wrong?

Have you check credentials in essentialmode ? (essentialmode > server > player > login.lua)

yes, as i said it boots fine, it just when i got to log in my character. when it throws that error

and when booting up the server it would throw error if password /user was wrong?

go PM to not flood this thread :slight_smile:

I’m sorry. Go MP?

not sure what that means?

I would like example to add new locations in various cities

location of what ? stations ? garages ? please be more precise ^^