[Release-Archived] Cops FiveM

if i type /forceEnter what should happen ?

The /forceEnter is very hard to do, you have to be close to the cuff man, and both of you have to be stuck to the vehicule. The cuffed man will go in the vehicule without any other choice

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I tried to do but i couldn’t :’(

Inventory System v1.5 compatible with cops FiveM 1.0.1 ? To make the changes in the file?

Yes, that’s what I said to the person. The new version of essential does not work with Cops V1.0.1, hence the interest of downloading an old version lower than 3.0 :slight_smile:

I have a problem.

When I’m on a harvest place nothing happens

Hi, I take ur Complete Package for hide the illegal blips and I get this error in my console :

when I take the police service , the job system won’t update and I keep like unemployed. Do you know How Can I force it to update the job id ?

Swizey : it’s a buf from Essential-mode 2 (caused by the SQL Library)

Keffren : Just use events provided by Job System


When I take the police service , the job system won’t update and I keep like unemployed. Do you know How Can I force it to update the job id ?

Auto update for the job | Notification when addCop/removeCop

For people who want notification when they become policer, and job update for who have the job showed at the screen like this:

And want to have a notification and auto update of the hud when change job to policer, I give you this code:

function addCop(identifier)
	local nameJob = "LSPD[Cadet]"
	MySQL:executeQuery("INSERT INTO police (`identifier`) VALUES ('@identifier')", { ['@identifier'] = identifier})
	MySQL:executeQuery("UPDATE `users` SET job=2 WHERE `identifier`='@identifier'", { ['@identifier'] = identifier})
	TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_MP_STRIPCLUB_PR", 1, "Mairie", false, "Votre métier est maintenant : LSPD[Cadet]")
	TriggerClientEvent("jobssystem:updateJob", source, nameJob)

function remCop(identifier)
	local nameJob = "Chômeu(r/se)"
	MySQL:executeQuery("DELETE FROM police WHERE identifier = '@identifier'", { ['@identifier'] = identifier})
	MySQL:executeQuery("UPDATE users SET job=1 WHERE `identifier`='@identifier'", { ['@identifier'] = identifier})
	TriggerClientEvent("es_freeroam:notify", source, "CHAR_MP_STRIPCLUB_PR", 1, "Mairie", false, "Votre métier est maintenant : Chômeu(r/se)")
	TriggerClientEvent("jobssystem:updateJob", source, nameJob)

You just need to modify the function addCop/remCop in police/server.lua

Notification received by the player added to police table when the command addCop/remCop [ID] is executed:


Thanks @Kyominii and @Ciwiel
It was more simple than I imagined. So I added a jobsystem event when the player take service in Police station not by command

if IsControlJustPressed(1, 38)  then
					isInService = not isInService
					if(isInService) then
						--Thanks to Xtas3
						SetPedPropIndex(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, 46, 0, 2)            --Casquette Police
						SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 11, 55, 0, 2)  --Chemise Police
						SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 8, 58, 0, 2)   --Ceinture+matraque Police 
						SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 4, 35, 0, 2)   --Pantalon Police
						SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 6, 24, 0, 2)   -- Chaussure Police
						SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 10, 8, 0, 2) --grade 0
						GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK"), true, true)
						GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_PISTOL50"), 150, true, true)
						GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_STUNGUN"), true, true)
						GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN"), 150, true, true)
						TriggerServerEvent("jobssystem:jobs", 2)
						local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
						GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey("WEAPON_KNIFE"), true, true)
						TriggerServerEvent("jobssystem:jobs", 1)

TriggerServerEvent(“jobssystem:jobs”, job_id)


It’s been a bit since I’ve used phpmysql, I can’t seem to edit the user table, how do I change the permission level?

batastrophe : change permission level with rcon

Genox : have a look to lite version

Thanks again, Kyominii

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I have a big problem I transferet my database on a vps because until now I develop locally and to my surprise no more chanmp are displayed on the map and no field works, do you have a Idea of ​​how to fix his?





And i don’t have error with database for load this script

and i have this error i don’t have 3.0 essential mode

can you upload your essential mode + es _ freeroam (pls)
I despair

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I have the same problem

can you make a command when we can drag players and put them in the police car when cuffed that would be nice for this

Hi, ty for your cop system.

I have this error:

And this is my server.lua (vdk_recolt)


I have try a manual installation, same problem…

Any idea?


So, the link to es_freeroam is no longer working and is now “fs_freeroam” which uses the new (and broken) Essential-Mode. Any fix for this?

IRemake : check your client logs (F8)

roboticgame : I’ll think about drag player, and atm, you can use /forceEnter to put a player in a police car

crenforce : check you have no NULL value in your database

Skordy : I’ll upload my es freeroam version, thanks for notice that