[Release] Apartment [MySQL & Async](08/17/2017)

Ok i remove interiors but i have again this error

|WARN|CitizenMP.Server|A client tried to send an event o f type apart:getAppart, but it was not greenlit for client invocation. You may n eed to call RegisterServerEvent from your script.

Thanks for this script !
But i have errors when i run my server :

2017-06-16 22:31:33.9804|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server|Error creating script environment for resource apartments: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
2017-06-16 22:31:33.9824|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] Neo.IronLua.LuaChunk.Run(LuaTable env,Object[] callArgs)
2017-06-16 22:31:33.9824|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] Neo.IronLua.LuaGlobalPortable.DoChunk(LuaChunk chunk,Object[] callArgs)
2017-06-16 22:31:33.9824|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] CitizenMP.Server.Resources.ScriptEnvironment.DoInitFile(Boolean preParse)

Don’t remove it just remove all apartment line inside.
My interior version to use with apartment :

 local interiors = {
	[1] = { ["xe"] = -428.778, ["ye"] = 1111.61, ["ze"] = 327.689, ["he"] = 0.000, ["xo"] = 135.770202636719, ["yo"] = -762.303344726563, ["zo"] = 242.151962280273, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Bureau Gouvernemental'},
	[2] = { ["xe"] = 139.185943603516, ["ye"] = -762.684997558594, ["ze"] = 45.7520523071289, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = 135.770202636719, ["yo"] = -762.303344726563, ["zo"] = 242.151962280273, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Bureau Gouvernemental'},
	[3] = { ["xe"] = 127.321395874023, ["ye"] = -729.368957519531, ["ze"] = 242.151962280273, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = 116.158660888672, ["yo"] = -741.4140625, ["zo"] = 258.152160644531, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'FBI Zone restraint'},
	[4] = { ["xe"] = 414.587738037109, ["ye"] = -217.593215942383, ["ze"] = 59.9104766845703, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = 426.823150634766, ["yo"] = -255.383087158203, ["zo"] = 71.2514114379883, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Terrasse Hotel'},
	[5] = { ["xe"] = -98.5413970947266, ["ye"] = 367.420593261719, ["ze"] = 113.274826049805, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = -101.87483215332, ["yo"] = 372.153594970703, ["zo"] = 142.680328369141, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Terrasse C'},
	[6] = { ["xe"] = -107.244064331055, ["ye"] = 369.226196289063, ["ze"] = 112.880752563477, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = -88.3965454101563, ["yo"] = 324.328125, ["zo"] = 142.599212646484, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Terrasse B'},
	[7] = { ["xe"] = -116.21142578125, ["ye"] = 372.935424804688, ["ze"] = 112.88077545166, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = -93.2163009643555, ["yo"] = 316.106872558594, ["zo"] = 136.855270385742, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Terrasse A'},
	[8] = { ["xe"] = -908.367492675781, ["ye"] = -368.992370605469, ["ze"] = 113.074188232422, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = -903.132080078125, ["yo"] = -369.993041992188, ["zo"] = 136.2822265625, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Helipad'},
	[9] = { ["xe"] = 837.951599121094, ["ye"] = -1375.06799316406, ["ze"] = 26.3081645965576, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = 833.578125, ["yo"] = -1379.69384765625, ["zo"] = 26.3136196136475, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Grange Centre Ville'},	
	[10] = { ["xe"] = 231.621231079102, ["ye"] = -1360.37231445313, ["ze"] = 28.6518173217773, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = 239.37760925293, ["yo"] = -1361.39038085938, ["zo"] = 29.6479969024658, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Morgue Entrée Sous Sol'},
	[11] = { ["xe"] = 241.290740966797, ["ye"] = -1379.08862304688, ["ze"] = 33.7417297363281, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = 254.555419921875, ["yo"] = -1372.52844238281, ["zo"] = 29.6480083465576, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Morgue Entrée Principale'},
	[12] = { ["xe"] = -1565.64587402344, ["ye"] = -575.688049316406, ["ze"] = 108.522987365723, ["he"] = 0.00, ["xo"] = -1570.009765625, ["yo"] = -576.172729492188, ["zo"] = 114.449279785156, ["ho"] = 0.00, ["name"] = 'Maire Helipad'},

welp when i press buy it jsut removes money and the apartment doesnt register i get an error in line 147:4 in login.lua inside essentials,

AddEventHandler(“es:getPlayerFromId”, function(user, cb)

Make it so people can Rent, and to spawn on the apartment if you have one, if not spawn on default spots.
And even if i hate it, convert it do couchdb… thats all my suggestions :stuck_out_tongue:

Also you would be good to set like a virtual world where players cant meet even if they are in the same interior, to create multiple apartments with the same interior, it worked like that on samp i dont know if its possible on fivem

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I can visit the apartments , but when I want to buy I have this error
and i have mysql async …

Yeah me too , i have this error


Visit working,

But when i BUY appartement, i have ammount discount, BUT nothing change, nothing in DATABASE,

AND BIG error : http://imgur.com/a/4KCnO


Are you running Essentials? Async? We need more info.

All is working really great, thanks for this awesome plugin, i can’t wait for the ring function it look like usefull !

I am using ASYNC, from sorce N3MTV

where is source N3MTV?

Hi everybody !

First of all, I would like to apologize for my absence on the forum but I have my final school exams.
I will resume the development of this script next week.


welcome back, cant wait for the next release :smiley:

Check out my video showing off this mod !! Love the mod/script, using it in my server! :smiley:

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Hi , i have more error in my console for this script . i can buy all the time and in my db i don’t in . Plz help me =D . I have Source N3mTV And Mysql mariadb

good job again, do you need some help for the next update ?

so you also couldnt buyy a house right?

Has anyone figure out how to get this working on MySQL? Having the same error codes as everyone else, can be purchased, takes the money, doesn’t update the sql. HMU on my discord if you have a fix.

A fix will be released tomorrow with the new update

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