[release] airport wars - fully custom tdm gamemode - full source code release (server shutdown)

yes and dont credit lobixl300 for the server

Has anyone that has downloaded this been able to successfully log in? I disabled whitelist and upon connection, I just get hung at the loading screen. Server shows:

It never shows an error in the shell panel of any sort, I just canā€™t get past the loading screen. I disabled the loadingscreen so I could see the info on the client side and it seems to stop at ā€œInitializing sessionā€.

Absolutely nothing awry in F8:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time!

I like you, we should try to solve this problem

Iā€™ve worked on trying to figure it out for hours with no luck. Itā€™s an uphill battle with no errors to work with.

im have the same issue as @schwim, anyone can tell us why? iā€™d set to false whitelist too

Hi there everyone!

The OP contacted me and provided a working version of the gamemode. I installed it and itā€™s working perfectly.

You can find the new files right here.

The whitelist is already disabled. Just upload, change the server.cfg to suit and it should fire right up.

He included a readme as well for explanation of the whitelist and other.

If you just want to try it out, thereā€™s an airport wars server up and running.

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It doesnā€™t work too @schwim

Any errors? Itā€™s running fine on my end. Post your server startup and weā€™ll see if we can get it working for you.

No errors, itā€™s exactly the same than before I canā€™t join, Im stucked on the loading screen.
Iā€™ve removed the cache

Can you post the startup? It might help narrow down the issue.

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Finally make the code worked on linux, but have recode some function.
Some function in sv_database crash due to nil value in some table.
Will post code later

Im waiting for your files

Here you go fellows,

Dont forger to modify settings in config and settings.xml in mysql folder to connect your database.
fx-server-data.rar (2.1 MB)

File removed, can you post it to somewhere else.

I am having a problem where i cant back out of any of the menus that i open anyone have a idea

anyone managed to get this working?

can you upload the files elsewhere? The domain of the hosting company seems down

use the right mouse button to exit the menus