[RELEASE] Advanced truck inventory for ESX (black money, weapons, items)

Tu l’injecte dans ta base de donné essentialmode

voila le tous fonctionnel et au complet :slight_smile:esx_vehicle_inventory.rar (7.6 KB)

what button my friend? :slight_smile:

  • Thanks! to seb925

No problème avec plaisirs :wink:

how do i use it my friend? :3

Copie le dossier esx_vehicle_inventory dans le dossier resources ensuite injecte le .sql dans ta base de donné, et start esx_vehicle_inventory to server.cfg , touche L ingame :wink:

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You saved my day!! thank you sir!

Avec plaisir, bonne journnée .

anglais s’il vous plaît

No frenche dsl , go : https://translate.google.fr/

Anyone know of a version of this that works for any personally owned vehicles(ESX)?

this does that… it checks for personal vehicles and not… if you vehicle is not personal it gets deleted from db every reboot

I’m not getting any errors but when pressing L while in or standing behind my pv, nothing happens.

you MUST be looking at the vehicle physically… your ped must be in the direction of vehicle or it won’t work

Hello everyone, I’ve already tested a bug with 2 people, it still works. two people can simultaneously pull the same item. Another bug is - pulling the vehicle out of the garage, hiding items to it, the other person who is not the owner of the vehicle gets in as a driver with the owner of the vehicle as a passenger, the owner hides the vehicle in the garage thus doubling it and the contents of the boot

Just removed it from garage, stepped out, facing the vehicle, pressed L , nothing happens.

try my version

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which version are you using?

Downloaded an hour ago from your repo:

I tested versions from seb925

Whats the diffrance between your script and this one?