[RELEASE] Advanced truck inventory for ESX (black money, weapons, items)


if i put an item into my car, and reopen the “trunk” with “-” the only option i have is to deposit more items. my question is, how to i withdraw items from my car???

You can still duplicate stuff with it, not worth!

Not worth what, the zero dollars you paid for it?

Not worth adding it on your server since people can duplicate items and money, what’s the purpose of it if it’s bugged asf and it ruins the whole economy of a server? Again, not worth adding on a server with such big issue’s.

I’ve a modified version that doesn’t allow weapon duping and allows owned-only trunks. I dont’ believe I can post the link here but shoot me a PM and I’ll point you to it. Maybe it will suit you better.

Hey, we got this following problem: When a person gets something out, after setting the quantity by pressing Enter multiple time he can double the quantity of the selected item. Works with w/e money, rocks guns etc. Is there a fix up for that? I was reading the thread, but I only found similar problems , but not the same.

*** We are not even beginners in coding so we would appreciate the help

If you modify esx_menu_dialog , you can protect against return or click spam. I’ve got a modified version here that’s well commented that you can either use or look at to modify your own: https://github.com/schwim0341/esx_trunk

Thank you! we are going to test it asap

Hello All.

Would it be possible to configure the size of the luggage carrier individually? I would for example set up 500Kg for the Mule truck and 800Kg for the Benson truck, but configuring only for the category they carry the same weight.

Another option would be to configure the trailer to carry cargo as well, thus buying the Phantom and the trailer if the load increases.


How do I adjust the weight limit?

My latest version allows for model-based capacities: https://github.com/schwim0341/esx_trunk/releases/tag/2.1.0


It’s in the config file.

Would there be any reason why vehicles are losing inventory in the garage or on restart sometimes?

The trunk just eats any weapon I deposit

It’s bugged for bfinjection.
When i set a specific weight for it, it won’t work but it work for other vehicles…

Got anything on this?

Any one know how to access npc inv car?or How to setting?

It’s it possible to make cars spawn with items already in the “trunk” ? Like I would like all my police cars to spawn it with a gas can, medkit, bandages and repair kit.

There is a bug / glitch that allows you to duplicate object/weapons if 2 people open the trunk at the same time. How could I solve it?

this is a known issue. i hoped my sharing to public that some one would help me out and share some imporvements, but no one does. i unfortunatly am doing other stuff, so won’t be fixed that soon