[RELEASE] Advanced truck inventory for ESX (black money, weapons, items)

havent yet bro, was asking this dude that supposedly fixed it but havent heard anything back from him… go figure… if you find something let me know and if i do i will be sure to let everyone on here know about it

can you share? would love to use this

there is a problem when player Submit the amount of that item (that must be place in car IF player have 100 of that item in his Inventory ) IF PRESS Submit btn two or three time that 200 or 300 of that Item Will be ADD in the Car Inventory

hey so i use custom cars sometimes the stuff in the inventory stays sometimes it doesnt but it only disapears on server restarts other then that its fine any ideas on how to prevent items disappearing after restart ?

So I’ve added the script as it should be added and it only opens the trunk, nothing else, no menu or prompt etc :thinking:

I’ve tried switching out the vehlock mods to see if that was the issue, I’ve tried replacing things in both the esx_inventory and this trunk script and still nothing… I have everything required, I’ve even tried rolling back the database and clearing cashe (thinking it would be something trivial).

Anyone else that has encountered this found a fix?

I’ve worked on this script

  • Fixed duplication glitch
  • Fixed problem with Tab and Enter spam
  • Fixed problem of quantity being in negative
  • Fixed problem of “Someone is already in trunk” when nobody is in it

Everything work perfectly now :sunglasses:


where can i download it?

Would be willing to share the scripts as you fixed them so the rest of the community can benefit?

pls share that , tnx alot

can you share with us? i will apreciate m8

Guys, people don’t share their improvements here. They simply post to let you they are super-smart and fixed it.

Regarding the duplication exploit, I imagine adding a lock variable with a cooldown in the server function would work towards solving it. If someone grabs something, lock the function out from being used by anyone in that trunk ID, then give it some time to ensure the sql has been completed.

can you share it?

i know this guys…
he is a leecher not a seeder.

Why would I help people when I don’t receive help for my problem in return ?
Ever think about that ?

when people still start helping me and I consider helping other people with this.
I answer in alot of thread to help people fix their trouble but I almost never get answer for my problem.
How can I be a leecher for fixing something that is broken ? :slight_smile:
You are actually the leecher waiting for the fix insted of trying to fix it yourself

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Thing is most people only know how to cut and paste to fix an issue. If you dont want to share it fine dont have to go on some drama rant about how you dont get help and how you shouldnt help others. Thats actually worse then not getting help. There is a lot of people that dont know how to code and only know how to copy and paste. Share or dont its up to you but understand the general people are not all coders.

As I stated, they just post to troll the community. I would suggest not wasting any time in dealing with someone that posts to say “I fixed it all” and leaves it at that. They’re not here to to be part of the community. They’re a troll and there’s a great chance that their “fix” is written as well as the original buggy code.

I don’t use the resource but has anyone played around with locking the serverside function the first time a user opens a trunk on a particular vehicle? Perhaps create a table holding the vehicles with the trunk open? If another user tries to open the trunk, it checks the table for that tag and refuses them entry. When the user finishes, it gets removed from the table.

As for the TAB exploit, I think disabling tab while using the trunk would resolve this:

DisableControlAction(0, Keys['TAB'], true)

I’m not familiar with that native but I think that’s how it works.

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You are a troll… If you dont want anyone asking you something Dont make a show of yourself saying to everyone you fix everything.

Just saying
Cheers lol


Since I updated five m does not work the script, try to reinstall it from 0 and remains the same. I need help please

Here is the link, probably a lot of new improvements by now but here it is. Cheers

Shoot me a msg for a version with changes like locale system, trunk use only if you own the vehicle as well as a fix for the duped items issue.