[Release] Add-On Vehicle Spawn Menu

Hello! Nice job! Is it possible to change the keybind for opening the menu n game??

Yes, this is possible. Follow this Step for Step Tut:

  1. Open the client\client.lua
  2. Search for these lines:

Line 184

if (IsControlPressed(1, 10) or IsDisabledControlPressed(1, 10)) and (IsControlJustPressed(1, 213) or IsDisabledControlJustPressed(1, 213)) and SettingsAllowed and AddOnVehiclesTable[1] then


Line 187

elseif (IsControlJustPressed(1, 213) or IsDisabledControlJustPressed(1, 213)) and AddOnVehiclesTable[1] then
  1. Replace 213 with the control you want.
  2. Profit



Thanks for the fast reply!!

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Flat how can i remove the bind in a controller every time i press the handbrake in the controller the menu opens up

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I will fix this with the next update, tomorrow or sunday.

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InvokeNative: execution failed: type must be object, but is array
Error loading script server/server.lua in resource AddOnVehicleSpawnMenu: Execution of native 000000008e8cc653 in script host failed.
stack traceback:
[C]: in upvalue '_in’
citizen:/scripting/lua/natives_server.lua:190: in function 'PerformHttpRequestInternal’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:233: in function 'PerformHttpRequest’
server/server.lua:5: in main chunk
Failed to load script server/server.lua.

When I press the home key, nothing happens. the menu doesn’t come up. Is there a way to add cars to the menu while in game?

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@pushkin Is your Server up-to date?

@FarmerJon No, you have to add Vehicles in the Add-On Vehicles.txt , maybe I will add such a function Sometime later

This thing realy kicks the FPS in the Dick when its turned on,Holy chit but it works :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thats weird, I don’t have any FPS problems

After loading like 50 cars into it,the second I turn it on FPS drops in half ,all is fine after I turn it off after spawing a car. no big deal for me just something I noticed. still love the script.


Hmm, I never tested with that many cars. I will take a look into this.

Another thing I may have Missed,Do people Know if you hold down the Page up KEY and the Home Key you get another Menu? I spent 4 hours trying to find a key besides HOME couse allot of our controlers use that RB on the controller to slam on the breaks and kick our tail rotor around. Its not easy finding a Key to turn this thing on without interfiering with every other god damn thing on a controller,In the future Make it a Cntrol+Somthing

That problem will be fixed with the update coming in some minutes.

I mentioned it in the OP

well the HOME key messes with a few things,RB on my controller turns it of and on,as I fly a HELICOPTER,No matter what key I tried it was somehow tied to the controller. after all the testing I came up with the " -" key next to back space key, yeah the Menu blinks on and off if your texting in game with that key but its better then it was,lol Best thing you could do for us is make it a 2 key thing,So many scripts out now we have no simple way to spawn any Menu without a controller button screwing it up. I love the script,The community has needed this for a long time,It works flawlessly. keep up the good work

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The second I noticed the other Menu I said to my self, OH HELL no I don’t want them to know about that,lol

Check the config.lua. You can disable it in-game and also change the default settings.

Updated to v2.1.1

  • Fixed the Controls bug (Controller conflict)

Download in the First Post!

Yep :frowning:
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i cant get the menu to show up. yes i did install it right

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