[Release] ActionMenu [1.0.1] (Updated April 2018)

Windows, doors, trunk, the fix command, etc. just simple things like that. I have tried the windows from acl but couldnt get that event to work. Not sure why.
Edit: Also anything on a back button yet?

Try this:

<button onclick="ResetMenu()">Home</button>

That works perfect thank you.

Credits to @Decon :stuck_out_tongue:

is there a way to trigger a lua script so like i can toggle my engine like i would by typing /engine

using the engine script or no?

I have it here is the function https://pastebin.com/T4GTXMUE
edit: also credit to [Release] Engine ON/OFF Toggle

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Ok Scott https://discord.gg/KEj4JC thats the discord link.

Do you really have to paste the resource into the actionmenu config? I’m pretty sure as long as you still start the resources like engine/hands up you can just tell the menu to TriggerEvent( ‘Engine’ ) and it will still work.

Also thank you @WolfKnight179 and everyone who worked on this menu it’s so nice and easy to use.

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Is this working or is it broken? I am reading 50/50 on the comments, and unsure if it is worth a try.

It works and is super easy to use, I think I’ve tried to help you before you can PM me if you need help again.

You don’t need to put the event in the resource but in doing so, you are cutting down the Count of the total resources you are actually using. It doesn’t really make sense to have a resource separated from the resource that is actually using said resource unless it’s some type of framework or I guess personal preference. Meaning, why create a resource called handsUp or engineOnOff and then call that resource from a separate resource being this menu when you can tie it all together in One resource, when the menu resource is using all these other “separate” resources. By combining the resources you are making it easier to edit and debug as well as keeping the code tidy and together based on what it actually does/is doing.

If you look at the trainers people release, it’s all one resource, not a collection of separate resources calling each other.

However, either way works, one way or another.

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It works absolutely fine if you know how to read instructions.

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Pretty sure you dont but i just put the function in there at the bottom of cl_action under a comment for each function. I find it a little easier to work with instead of going through different files to edit it. Instead its only 2 files.

the menu wont exit after pressing exit or pressing esc i never messed with the exit part tho

here is the exit code:


	elseif ( data == "exit" ) then 
		-- We toggle the ActionMenu and return here, otherwise the function 
		-- call below would be executed too, which would just open the menu again 

	-- This will only be called if any button other than the exit button is pressed
end )


			<!-- Do not remove this or you will not be able to exit the menu --> 
			<button class="menuoption" data-action="exit">Exit</button>

nvm i fixed it but i cant get kneelhu to work code:


--kneel handsup
function loadAnimDict( dict )
    while ( not HasAnimDictLoaded( dict ) ) do
        RequestAnimDict( dict )
        Citizen.Wait( 5 )
TriggerEvent( 'KneelHU' )
AddEventHandler( 'KneelHU', function()
    local player = GetPlayerPed( -1 )
    if ( DoesEntityExist( player ) and not IsEntityDead( player )) then
        loadAnimDict( "random@arrests" )
        loadAnimDict( "random@arrests@busted" )
        if ( IsEntityPlayingAnim( player, "random@arrests@busted", "idle_a", 3 ) ) then
            TaskPlayAnim( player, "random@arrests@busted", "exit", 8.0, 1.0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
            Wait (3000)
            TaskPlayAnim( player, "random@arrests", "kneeling_arrest_get_up", 8.0, 1.0, -1, 128, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
            TaskPlayAnim( player, "random@arrests", "idle_2_hands_up", 8.0, 1.0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
            Wait (4000)
            TaskPlayAnim( player, "random@arrests", "kneeling_arrest_idle", 8.0, 1.0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
            Wait (500)
            TaskPlayAnim( player, "random@arrests@busted", "enter", 8.0, 1.0, -1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
            Wait (1000)
            TaskPlayAnim( player, "random@arrests@busted", "idle_a", 8.0, 1.0, -1, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
end )
    while true do
        if IsEntityPlayingAnim(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), "random@arrests@busted", "idle_a", 3) then
            DisableControlAction(1, 140, true)
            DisableControlAction(1, 141, true)
            DisableControlAction(1, 142, true)


			<button class="menuoption" data-action="handsup_knees">Gets On Knees With Hands Up</button>

the issue is that i press the button the menu goes away but there is no action any help is appreciated oh and also i fixed my issue with the exit problem

You have to tell the button to trigger the script.

	elseif ( data == "handsup_knees" ) then 
		TriggerEvent( 'KneelHU' )

Exactly what “TrundleTheGreat” said, since you never posted that part of the code we don’t know if you actually did call the event. I also tested your code, seems to work flawlessly. So it must be how you are actually calling the event.

@WolfKnight179 hey can u help me code this menu so i can turn off the engines , roll up windows, hands up, kneel , etc, please dm thank you

so i’ve gotten the trunk to open using the open trunk part but it wont close.

here is the code i have so far:

bottom of cl_action.lua:

AddEventHandler("Trunk", function()
    local Veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1))
    SetVehicleDoorOpen(Veh, 5, false, false)

AddEventHandler("Trunk", function()
    local Veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(GetPlayerPed(-1))
    SetVehicleDoorShut(Veh, 5, false)

button code:

	elseif ( data == "trunkopen" ) then
   	 TriggerEvent( 'Trunk' )

Works on the menu perfectly! By any chance do you know how to make it so the car still starts whenever you spawn it so I don’t have to go into the menu everytime to turn it on?