[Release][1.0] Call Services System

Yeah, understand it now :slight_smile: It works for me :slight_smile:
Thanks VodKhard :slight_smile:

(For future release ? Maybe a way to add reason of the call ? Source of the call ? :))

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[FR] salut Scapin, pourrai tu m’expliquer la marche a suivre merci
[EN] Hello Scapin, could you explain me the way forward thank you

do we need to add a column in the job table ? like “inService” put 1 when you are in service and 0 when you are not ?

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Do we have to setup

local plyPos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) TriggerServerEvent(“call:makeCall”, “taxi”, {x=plyPos.x,y=plyPos.y,z=plyPos.z})

or is that something that’s already in? I’ve done the serviceOn/Off events, but cant find where the makeCall would go.

Hello everyone, the script works pretty well but I would like to change the F9 key because for the player to get in the car, the trigger an apel, if anyone can help me this cool serr Thanks

Ps: I’m french


Sorry for my english i am french.

I use the personal menu, and in the repaertoir I want to include the font call but I do not its how to do it: /

In the client.lua of my menu I have that but what to put?

function repertoryMenu()
    options.menu_subtitle = "Repertoire"
    Menu.addButton("Appeler la police", "callPolice")
    for ind, value in pairs(NUMBERS_LIST) do
        Menu.addButton(value.name, "repertoryContact", value.identifier)
    Menu.addButton("Retour", "phoneMenu", nil )

function callPolice()

can you help me

EN Your function callPolice are empty, it’s normal
FR Ta fonction callPolice() est vide , c’est normal

That’s why I ask that I have to put it there ^^

justement c’est pour ça que je demande se que je doit y mettre ^^

Nice script bro ! Is it hard to put the name of the caller and the name of the person who took the call ?
Again great works !


Thanks for another great mod resource!! It’s much appreciated. :slight_smile:


function callPolice()
	local plyPos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true) 
	TriggerServerEvent("call:makeCall", "police", {x=plyPos.x,y=plyPos.y,z=plyPos.z})
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Cops 1.1.0 client.lua :
And don’t forget to add in serviceOn of Police:
TriggerServerEvent("player:serviceOn", "police")
And add in serviceOff of police:
TriggerServerEvent("player:serviceOff", "police")
Ajoute dans la fonction police serviceOn() :
TriggerServerEvent("player:serviceOn", "police")
Et dans serviceOff():
TriggerServerEvent("player:serviceOff", "police")

FINAL: http://prntscr.com/ffflek

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I am trying to add the street name and cross street when you call the police, however now the script dont work. Any ideas. I tried to use the back up scripts coding but i guess its not right?

-- Trigger a call of Police with L SHIFT
        if IsControlJustPressed(1, 21) then
            local plyPos = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), true)
			local s1, s2 = Citizen.InvokeNative( 0x2EB41072B4C1E4C0, plyPos.x, plyPos.y, plyPos.z, Citizen.PointerValueInt(), Citizen.PointerValueInt() )
			local street1 = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(s1)
            local street2 = GetStreetNameFromHashKey(s2)
            TriggerServerEvent("call:makeCall", "police", {x=plyPos.x,y=plyPos.y,z=plyPos.z}, .. street1.." and ".. street2)

Is this a script to call AI taxi to pickup??? If not does that exist.

hello , vdk_call does not work with fx server ! :frowning:

Yep, but i think it’s easy to render FX but not for me
like your need to add local source = source but nothing appened

please send me the code for example job !!

please how to use this