[RE-RELEASE] esx_eden garage2: 3 in 1 garage

I managed to solve my mistakes, but thanks for this incredible script. Jager_Bom

Can you help me ? i just try to spawn vehicule with the same health when we stock it i have wrote this code

server side :

AddEventHandler('eden_garage:gethealth', function(vehicleProps)
	local vehprop = json.encode(vehicleProps)
	local plate = vehicleProps.plate
	local vie2 = {}
	MySQL.Async.fetchAll("SELECT * FROM owned_vehicles WHERE plate=@plate",{['@plate'] = plate,}, function(data)
	for _,v in pairs(data) do
	vie2 = json.decode(v.health2)


client side :

AddEventHandler("eden_garage:gethealthtutur", function(vie)
	vie2 = vie

i have the fonction who stock the health in the database in fiel health2 it work good but it seem that the server never trigger the client code gethealthtutur, serverside i can have print the health it work !)
could you try to help me ?

function SpawnVehicle(vehicle)
		x=this_Garage.SpawnPoint.Pos.x ,
		z=this_Garage.SpawnPoint.Pos.z + 1											
		},this_Garage.SpawnPoint.Heading, function(callback_vehicle)
		ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties(callback_vehicle, vehicle)
		SetVehRadioStation(callback_vehicle, "OFF")
		TaskWarpPedIntoVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), callback_vehicle, -1)
		local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local vehiclespawnee = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
		SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehiclespawnee, vie2)
		AddVehicleKeys(callback_vehicle, vehicle)

	TriggerServerEvent('eden_garage:modifystate', vehicle, false)


and i just try to spawn with this

lol you are making youself the hard way to do it, look in es_extended client/functions.lua. over ther eyou will seeh vehicle properties. add get and set healt and nothing else to do :slight_smile:

here sample code

    bodyHealth      = GetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle),
    engineHealth    = GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle),
    fuelLevel    	= GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle),

and do the same for setvehicle

my problem is that my server script dont run the part in the client script

AddEventHandler("eden_garage:gethealthtutur", function(vie)
	vie2 = vie

so i can’t set vie2 in the

SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehiclespawnee, vie2)


did you read what i said ? you just need to put 6 lines in es_extended then all those lines in garage script

Ho OK sorry , i didn’t undersand what you had say I will try it tomorow <3

how to put it for the person by the car in the garage without tar inside the car, because if it is 2 inside the car of to dupar the vehicle

don’t understand

type if you have 2 players inside the vehicle when the person is going to save it to double

If thé person enter the vehicle in garage the car dispawns

So I still don’t understand your issue.
If you could make a case of it so I can clearly understand hat you did and what you want

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if I have another person as the driver of my car I keep the car but it will not disappear.

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show me your table owned vehicles ?

looks ok, did you get any errors on serversided ? clientsided ? do you use esx_jb_stopvehicledespawn?

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No, I’ll take a look now

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this happens when you have 2 players at the time of storing the vehicle and you do not be a driver

this has been fixed in latest release

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I tested it yesterday and it’s still doubling when 2 people are in the vehicle at the same time and the owner of the vehicle is not driving

how to put away the damaged vehicle

For me it’s automaticly with set vehicle properties because I did change es extended