Rcbandito how to get it to detonate?

I have another question. How do you get the rcbandito to detonate? I am able to add the bombs to the car, but none of the keys seem to work. Has anyone had any success? I’m wondering if I need to set another parameter as well maybe? I have not played GTAO, but I did see that there is a menu to activate the bombs? would that need to be replicated in Fivem?

Or is the weapon not working?

Thanks for any help

I haven’t looked at it at all tbh (for the Bandito) but since i had to recreate the rappel from helicopter
function myself to with a script (which checks the speed, altitude etc) and then checking for a player
pressing the button to rappel.

Which is also a ‘default function’ in the game it self, i suspect that the rcbandito also is ‘triggered to explode’ with a script.

However i never used it online (way to expensive for an rc car :S), but You should also keep in mind:
IF you want to make it look like it’s RC controlled indeed that you should ‘remove’ the player from
the vehicle and put it back in it’s ‘i’m controlling the RC from’ location BEFORE you blow up the RC
else it will also kill the player (since the RCBandito is a vehicle driven with the player inside it)

Hope this has given you some information on those ‘extra vehicle functions’ that APPEAR to be
default in the game but have to be re-scripted if you want to use such functions :slight_smile:


Just to add to my previous reply:

EDIT: Just an updated link:
Should be used for networked explosions according to @ddraigcymraeg :slight_smile:

This is the native which you can use to blow up the RC in your script :slight_smile:


cool, thank you!

You’re welcome, hope it helped you a bit along :slight_smile:

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it did… thank you
fyi… you need to use with fivem:
NETWORK_EXPLODE_VEHICLE( vehicle, true, true, true)

That got it to work for me.

I was doubting about that yesterday since the nativedb of FiveM mentioned that the original game only used this call a few times, so I suspected it was an special native for ‘rare cutscenes’ or so, my bad, didn’t tried it exactly to test with sync, my bad :wink:

Due to working with A LOT of natives the last few days I “just assumed” that it was the right one when I noticed it in the list a few days ago :slight_smile:

no worries! Your input really helped me, got me on the right path. I appreciate it.

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I have an working example of a functional RC Bandito detonator.
Use vMenu or whatever to spawn one in, get in it and then it is your E key or LB on the gamepad to detonate.

rcbandito_detonator.zip (1.3 KB)