[Question] Weather (mostly to do with snow)

Can you modify a weather type?

I’m mostly looking to do have the “XMAS” snow layer on the ground toggled on during “Heavy snow”

To my knowledge with GTA’s natives this is not possible. Someone else correct me if I’m wrong.

It is possible to do that

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I know how to enable XMAS, but that isn’t what I asked

I want to enable the XMAS snow layer during the “Blizzard” or “Heavy snow” weather type.

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Well what weather script are you using? You’ll need to tap into it when its calling the IS_NEXT_WEATHER_TYPE function

please correct me if I’m wrong but weather types aren’t set by “weather scripts” they’re set in a GTAV data file

Well if your server wants weather types sync’d between players you need a weather script.

But if you are talking about modifying an weather set. Then as far as I am aware, you cannot upload modified weather types.

I feel like theres a wall here…

wall or not, I’m using vSync as a weather script which only calls V’s base weather types and doesn’t set it’s own (because isn’t that impossible?)

There are natives to mix two weather types, unfortunately they are not working/ nobody figured out how they work yet…

Any chance you could list them? Even if they don’t work I’d just like to see

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This one changes from one weather to another over a specific time period.

This actually mixes two weather types.

can you walk me through making that a script?

Hi, did you find a solution for mixing two weather conditions?

I’d like to see a solutiion to this as well. Combining XMAS and Blizzard could create a really cool effect.