[RELEASE] Advanced Administration System | Web & In Game

Probably a bit late but in the docs he recommended a web host in the installation wiki on github. Im using them, they have all the compatibility. And they are extremely cheap. More than whats needed to run this. On top of the low prices i think they still have the deal i got. Literally paid 7 dollars for 3 months of hosting, on the second plan i think it was. Not gonna mention the name as idk if its allowed. Its not a fivem host but it may still count as advertising to say it on here
From what i know using wamp/xammp are not exactly “Secure” or safe for live use. I have before and never had issues. But from what i read its meant to be a localhost development environment. And unless you know what your doing it would not be secure. I doubt anyone would try and mess with your website anyways. But thats from my research. I could easily be wrong though. As i know many people do it without issues.

Firstly I want to start off by saying you’re amazing. This so far has been some of the best feedback I’ve gotten. I’ll respond to your questions/comments in the same numeric order you have provided.

  1. I feel the ‘logs’ idea is amazing. I will be adding this into the panel most likely before the next release.
  2. Not too sure what you mean by the staff chat box, I’m guessing either a way for the staff to communicate with each other or the staff to view/communicate with the server. Not too sure, however, it does sound like a good plugin idea either way.
  3. I will be fixing that tonight.
  4. I will also be looking into that tonight.
  5. I’m not too sure about what is causing this on your end but I’ll take a look.
  6. Yeah, I broke the code before I released the newest version. This will be fixed with the next release.
  7. I might retire this system and move to a new reserved slots system that will take staff into account.
  8. The AOP buttons were for @Scott_UK’s AOP resource however I forgot to take them out.

Once again thanks for all the suggestions/reports it really does help a lot. Feel free to keep sending more my way. Happy Holidays!

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Thank you very much for taking a look! As for #2 some sort of page or maybe a little chatbox like seen here on the dashboard possibly or taking up its own page.

Chatbox Example

I will definitely send anything else i think of over on here. I may have a few more things to come up with. I know i had something last night but i forget lol.

can someone do a YouTube video of how to install it the instruction are just to basic

The instructions are basic because the panel requires editing of the PHP to get it to work with servers other than the one is was written for. The instructions will get you close to a panel that you can log into but a lot of the features will be either broken or missing entirely. A Youtube video couldn’t get you through the editing of the code since so much needs to be done to get all features working and the popular frameworks aren’t currently taken into account.

If you’re not comfortable writing PHP, I’d wait until a later version that is supposed to be more modular and user-friendly.

Due to a new #development:releases rule set in October, I have removed all Discord links or references. You’re free to post a Discord link on your profile, but it’s not allowed anywhere else apart from #server-development:server-bazaar.

Thank you for understanding

More Info: PSA on Advertising in Releases

Ok now it is more than possible that I am a retard, but whenever I go on to my website of which I have it linked to it doesnt open but intead downloads this filedownload (68.8 KB)
Dont know what that is about. Here is the link to my website : https://ladps-rp.com/webpanel/

Any chance anyone knows how to fix?

Server side file


local website = “https://ladps-rp/webpanel/
– Set to your staff panel URL with protocol (and with sub folder if applicable) and without trailing slash. Example: https://arthurmitchell.xyz/beta


function urlencode(str)
if (str) then
str = string.gsub (str, “\n”, “\r\n”)
str = string.gsub (str, “([^%w ])”,
function © return string.format ("%%%02X", string.byte©) end)
str = string.gsub (str, " ", “+”)
return str

AddEventHandler( “playerConnecting”, function(name, setReason, deferrals)
if string.find(GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1], “steam:”) then
deferrals.update(“Checking Player Information. Please Wait.”)
PerformHttpRequest(website … ‘/api/adduser?name=’ … urlencode(GetPlayerName(source)) … ‘&license=’ … GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[2], function(statusCode, response, headers) end)
PerformHttpRequest(website … ‘/api/checkban?license=’ … GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[2], function(statusCode, response, headers)
if response then
local userinfo = json.decode(response)
if userinfo[‘banned’] == “true” then
deferrals.done("Ban Reason: " … userinfo[‘reason’] … " :black_circle: Banned Until: " … userinfo[‘banned_until’] … " :black_circle: Banned By: " … userinfo[‘staff’] … " :black_circle: Ban Issued: " … userinfo[‘ban_issued’])
setReason(“Error! Steam is required to play on this FiveM server.”)

AddEventHandler(‘chatMessage’, function(source, name, msg)
PerformHttpRequest(website … ‘/api/message?id=’ … GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[2] … ‘&message=’ … urlencode(msg), function(statusCode, text, headers) end, ‘GET’)

Config.php <?php #region Database Settings // DATABASE SETTINGS $GLOBALS['mysql_host'] = "localhost"; // MySQL Host $GLOBALS['mysql_user'] = "ladpsrpc_webpanel"; // MySQL User $GLOBALS['mysql_pass'] = "ladps-admin2018"; // MySQL Password $GLOBALS['mysql_db'] = "ladpsrpc_webpanel"; // MySQL Database #endregion // SITE SETTINGS $GLOBALS['domainname'] = "https://ladps-rp.com/webpanel/"; // URL (and folder if used) with protocol and trailing slash. Example: https://arthurmitchell.xyz/beta/ $GLOBALS['subfolder'] = ""; // If accessing via a sub folder type the sub folder name out like the following: /foldername Example: /staff otherwise leave blank $GLOBALS['apikey'] = ""; // SteamCommunity API Key https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); // Timezone (http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php) ?>

remove the .htaccess that worked for me but I am now getting a whole bunch of weird errors from mysqli

How do i go about adding staff? I have read the docs it says nothing about it.

This just happens everytime they try to log in via steam.

Also the drop down for rank is blank. When i manually add them into the database their name shows up in the user dropdown but no one elses.

you have to have them login after you ahve set yourself to owner then you can set there rank in the staff section by default they have no permissions

You Have To Go To The Database And Add Them

As i posted in my picture they cannot login? Am i doing something wrong.

all they need to do is open the link then login with steam it will then add them to the list of staff where you can choose there permissions

When they click log in it just prints error look at the image above.

I am not seeing an error above make sure they are removed from the database manually if you added them manually

http://prntscr.com/m004e9 This is what its saying when he clicks sign in.

does anyone else get the error

Yes everyone does.

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Is it possible to make this work for just in-game or is a webserver needed as well?

how do we use it? Extremely vague on pretty much everything…