Problem Resolved... :)

Well, I don’t know what DrawAdvancedText or ShowInfoCarteIdentite do but, I assume one of the parameters you pass it are the time to display the text for… Considering you only pass two 1s to both functions, try changing one or both of them.

@Goku_San I was pretty sure it was that your error but i’m still learning lua xd…

@Goku_San I was pretty sure it was that your error but i’m still learning lua xd…

AddEventHandler(‘MyIdentClient’, function()
age = result[1].age


DrawRect(0.912000000000001, 0.292, 0.185, 0.205, 0, 0, 0, 150)
DrawAdvancedText(0.966000000000001, 0.220, 0.005, 0.0028, 0.7, “~h~Age: ~b~”…age…"~w~.", 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 1)
ShowInfoCarteIdentite(0.966000000000001, 0.220, 0.005, 0.0028, 0.7, “~h~Age: ~b~”…age…"~w~.", 255, 255, 255, 255, 1, 1)

Message Removed dude ! thx the fucking community for no respect for my work :slight_smile:

For DrawRect and DrawAdvancedText should be used ‘Citizen.CreateThread’, no ?

while true do
if IsControlJustPressed(1,Keys[“H”]) then



@Havoc Okey dude i know the problem and its the MyIdentclient i have placed a print at the end of my Event MyIdentClient and MyIdent (server) and only the print Event Server (MyIdent) working…

Message Removed dude ! thx the fucking community for no respect for my work :slight_smile:

I send you MP check it

I have modified the code but it does not work anyway… :cry:

Thx to @stivicx for the menu

It still appears 5 seconds?

Message Removed dude ! thx the fucking community for no respect for my work :slight_smile:

It does not appears :slight_smile: he close my menu personnel

I need to understand what you want to do.

Click on “Menu personnel”
Select “Carte identite”
And “Menu personnel” closed

or did you :
You select “Carte identite” and he close

No it’s good now the menu personnel doesnt disappears but now my problem is the same (que toute a l’heure, i dont know how to say this in ENG :slight_smile: ) the MyInventClient is doesnt execute … :cry:

Yeah i see what you want say in the menu nothing appended Like:

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Yes but u just have the menu not the function… :slight_smile:

Ok i know the error now…

It’s that ScreenShot of the Error

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Message Removed dude ! thx the fucking community for no respect for my work :slight_smile:

Did you fix it ? Or do you need help ?

I need a help xD im bad in english i dont understand the problem o_o

@Havoc You have a idea :stuck_out_tongue: ?