[Problem] Client side deserialization of data with System.Runtime.Serialization

I am trying to passing complex data with event from server to client. DataContractSerializer class in namespace System.Runtime.Serialization is used in both serialization and deserialization. On server side, data are encoded to xml string and then passed with TriggerClientEvent. However, on the client side, it throws exception:

Error verifying System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContract/DataContractCriticalHelper:CreateDataContract (int,System.RuntimeTypeHandle,System.Type): Method System.Type:get_IsSerializable () is not accessible at 0x00c3

when method ReadObject is invoked.

This is how I try to deserialize a List of integers:

DataContractSerializer dcs = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(List<int>)); 
try	{	
	List<int> deserialized_data = (List<int>)dcs.ReadObject(stream);	
catch (Exception ex)	{	

Is there any solution for data deserialization in client side?

Anything that works on Silverlight 5 should work on the client. Tried the SL5 binary (you’ll have to get it from the NuGet package yourself) of Newtonsoft.Json?