[Preview] My character creator in --> LUA <--

Video : https://youtu.be/X4JhJ3u3W5k

Wat do u think of this guys, i’m only at 20% :upside_down_face:


Looks great, keep up the good work!

nice very beautiful you share job when is finish ?

Awesome ! Will you release it ?)

this source code might help you to add “eyebrow”, “tattoos” “highlight”…

Amazing job. Can’t wait to see a finished product.

Good work, it was opened at first connection?

yes, as first connection like gta online

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Just uploaded a video : https://youtu.be/X4JhJ3u3W5k

How to use the default GTA 5 Money system ?? Please, I would like to know

Check the last essentialmode it use a code similar to mine

Similar ? I would the GTA 5 Money system identically !

I have created a post in the past but no people reply to my post :

I said similar code not similare function

I don’t understand ! Sorry but what the difference ?

Salut salut,

Si tu pouvais faire une version pour couchDB et sauvegarde les modifications dans la BDD ca serait GE-NIAL.


If you could do a couchDB version and save the modifications in the DB it should be AM-A-ZING.

We will see a release one day ?
Allons nous voir un lancement un jour ?

Je suis très intéressé par ce mode , I am really interested

Release this dude! …

He is probably inactive on the forums now :frowning: But if hes not I agree :smiley:

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i will never release this sorry lol