[PREVIEW] ePhone

Lol… Stop being a child dude… Grow up !

Are you talking to me? If so, whats up with you? why can’t i ask for him to release it? Chill.

need couchDB - best mod

this is a game changer for controller players. nice work

I Disagree. CouchDB is inferior to mySQL. (They are pretty different things though)

It is necessary to do something new, it makes sense to do the old one.

looks great ! Why not release it on github and let the community finsh with you ?

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0.0.4 - (16 JUNE 2017)


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It should be compatible with every database every created, except CouchDB.

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Looks cool :slight_smile:
I like the sound and battery Idea

@evlad thank you very much for releasing this, you pretty much set everything up (all the hard parts) and now people can continue your work by creating working apps :slight_smile: I will try to play around with this see what I can do


And there’s more to come :slight_smile:

0.0.5 - (19 JUNE 2017)


Great job!

Im trying this out and the features from the videos aren’t there, Is this intended?
Or am i being a dumbass and not navigating properly xD

Every features I showed works :stuck_out_tongue:


All i have is this, no cursor, arrow keys dont navigate?

Does the Lambda menu cause issues as i have that on at the moment.

But yeah cant seem to get it to work like shown :slight_smile:

All SQL updated etcetc

Fixed in the last push

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There we go, Thank you.

So the contacts/Texting.

Is this not yet working? It seem’d all it does right now its bring up a contact menu but can not add contacts as you cant navigate the the blue button to add people.

Also the text button isnt working etc :slight_smile:

Sorry if im bothering you.

I just made a “framework” so everybody could make his own app, there’s no app feature for now that’s why it’s still in “preview”

Okay that’s cool.

Was just making sure incase i was being a dumb brit! xD haha!

Thank you for your awesome work, Keep it up.

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