Police vehicle packs

Hi i wanna know how to like convert vehicles to a addon example:
Police3 to Police 6
because i wanna have a server with highway patrol, police, and sheriff and i wanna create 3 Folders named highway police and sheriff and put like Sheriff vehicles to the sheriff folder, highway vehicles to the highway folder and police vehs. to the police folder … so can someone help me with that?

well u can just use the same vehicle for the slots without renaming them, just add a livery to the car and u can have same car for sheriff, police, Highway patrol. I am using a custom garage system that i have set police for first police car and first sheriff car but each with diffrent paint. same files just spawned with another skin,

local livery = "yes"
local liveryid = 0

This is how i set my livery for my police cars

and to do what u want u will need to change the veh meta file to go with what slot u want it

could you send me a config?

I cant send u mine b/c it has alot of edits to it and would mess your cars up. u can grab your meta files from openiv.

Does your garage script also allow you to edit the extras on your vehicle without a trainer?

@West_Coast_Wookie yes it does.

Is there any possibility that you would send me that script?

i cant give you my whole script b/c its private but i can give u a bit of help this is what i have on each of my garage menu spawns

if user then
      if ( user.job == "cop0" or user.permission_level == 0 ) then -- 1
         local carid = "cvpi"
         local vehicleName = "Unmarked Crown Victoria"
           local platid = "LSPD"
           local livery = "no"
           local liveryid = 5
           local modkit = "no"
           local modkitid = 1
           TriggerClientEvent("policeg:c_createVehicle", source, carid, platid, vehicleName, livery, liveryid, modkit, modkitid)
         --TriggerClientEvent("policeg:c_notify", source, "vehicle spawned.")

modkit = extras
and this is on server side.