Police job not saving

Hi , ive been trying to edit the police job and make the cars , weapons and helicopters free but every time i save it and restart the server , it goes back to its original code is there something wrong with the code?
Config = {}

Config.DrawDistance = 100.0
Config.MarkerType = 1
Config.MarkerSize = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5 }
Config.MarkerColor = { r = 50, g = 50, b = 204 }

Config.EnablePlayerManagement = false
Config.EnableArmoryManagement = false
Config.EnableESXIdentity = false – enable if you’re using esx_identity
Config.EnableNonFreemodePeds = false – turn this on if you want custom peds
Config.EnableLicenses = false – enable if you’re using esx_license

Config.EnableHandcuffTimer = true – enable handcuff timer? will unrestrain player after the time ends
Config.HandcuffTimer = 10 * 60000 – 10 mins

Config.EnableJobBlip = false – enable blips for colleagues, requires esx_society

Config.MaxInService = -1
Config.Locale = ‘en’

Config.PoliceStations = {

LSPD = {

	Blip = {
		Coords  = vector3(425.1, -979.5, 30.7),
		Sprite  = 60,
		Display = 4,
		Scale   = 1.2,
		Colour  = 29

	Cloakrooms = {
		vector3(452.6, -992.8, 30.6)

	Armories = {
		vector3(451.7, -980.1, 30.6)

	Vehicles = {
			Spawner = vector3(454.6, -1017.4, 28.4),
			InsideShop = vector3(228.5, -993.5, -99.5),
			SpawnPoints = {
				{ coords = vector3(438.4, -1018.3, 27.7), heading = 90.0, radius = 6.0 },
				{ coords = vector3(441.0, -1024.2, 28.3), heading = 90.0, radius = 6.0 },
				{ coords = vector3(453.5, -1022.2, 28.0), heading = 90.0, radius = 6.0 },
				{ coords = vector3(450.9, -1016.5, 28.1), heading = 90.0, radius = 6.0 }

			Spawner = vector3(473.3, -1018.8, 28.0),
			InsideShop = vector3(228.5, -993.5, -99.0),
			SpawnPoints = {
				{ coords = vector3(475.9, -1021.6, 28.0), heading = 276.1, radius = 6.0 },
				{ coords = vector3(484.1, -1023.1, 27.5), heading = 302.5, radius = 6.0 }

	Helicopters = {
			Spawner = vector3(461.1, -981.5, 43.6),
			InsideShop = vector3(477.0, -1106.4, 43.0),
			SpawnPoints = {
				{ coords = vector3(449.5, -981.2, 43.6), heading = 92.6, radius = 10.0 }

	BossActions = {
		vector3(448.4, -973.2, 30.6)



Config.AuthorizedWeapons = {
recruit = {
{ weapon = ‘WEAPON_PISTOL’, components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
{ weapon = ‘WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK’, price = 0 },
{ weapon = ‘WEAPON_STUNGUN’, price = 0 },
{ weapon = ‘WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT’, price = 0 }

seu0 = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 }

seu1 = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 }

officer2 = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 }

officer1 = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 }

officer3 = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 }

sergeant = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN', components = { 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPDW', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATMG', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_BZGAS', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', price = 0 }

intendent = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN', components = { 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPDW', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATMG', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_BZGAS', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', price = 0 }

fbi = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN', components = { 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPDW', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATMG', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_BZGAS', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', price = 0 }

seuchief = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN', components = { 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPDW', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATMG', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_BZGAS', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', price = 0 }

boss = {
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_APPISTOL', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_ADVANCEDRIFLE', components = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PUMPSHOTGUN', components = { 0, 0, nil }, price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_NIGHTSTICK', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_STUNGUN', price = 500 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_FLASHLIGHT', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATPDW', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_COMBATMG', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_CARBINERIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SPECIALCARBINE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_BZGAS', price = 0 },
	{ weapon = 'WEAPON_PISTOL', price = 0 }



Config.AuthorizedVehicles = {
Shared = {
{ model = ‘police’, label = ‘Police Cruiser’, price = 0 },
{ model = ‘pbus’, label = ‘Police Prison Bus’, price = 0 }

recruit = {


seu0 = {
	{ model = 'polmp4', label = 'Police Mclaren MP4', price = 0 }


seu1 = {
	{ model = 'polmp4', label = 'Police Mclaren MP4', price = 0 },
	{ model = 'polchiron', label = 'Police Chiron', price = 0 }


seuchief = {
	{ model = 'polmp4', label = 'Police Mclaren MP4', price = 0 },
	{ model = 'polchiron', label = 'Police Chiron', price = 0 },
	{ model = 'polp1', label = 'Police Mclaren P1', price = 0 }

officer = {
	{ model = 'police3', label = 'Police Interceptor', price = 0 },
	{ model = 'polgs350', label = 'Police Lexus GS350', price = 0 }

sergeant = {
	{ model = 'policet', label = 'Police Transporter', price = 0 },
	{ model = 'polgs350', label = 'Police Lexus GS350', price = 0 },
	{ model = 'policeb', label = 'Police Bike', price = 0 }

intendent = {


lieutenant = {
	{ model = 'riot', label = 'Police Riot', price = 0 },
	{ model = 'polgs350', label = 'Police Lexus GS350', price = 0 },
	{ model = 'fbi2', label = 'FIB SUV', price = 0 }

chef = {


boss = {



Config.AuthorizedHelicopters = {
recruit = {},

officer = {},

sergeant = {},

intendent = {},

lieutenant = {
	{ model = 'polmav', label = 'Police Maverick', livery = 0, price = 0 }

chef = {
	{ model = 'polmav', label = 'Police Maverick', livery = 0, price = 0 }

boss = {
	{ model = 'polmav', label = 'Police Maverick', livery = 0, price = 0 }



Config.Uniforms = {
recruit_wear = {
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 59, [‘tshirt_2’] = 1,
[‘torso_1’] = 55, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 0, [‘decals_2’] = 0,
[‘arms’] = 41,
[‘pants_1’] = 25, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 25, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = 46, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 36, [‘tshirt_2’] = 1,
[‘torso_1’] = 48, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 0, [‘decals_2’] = 0,
[‘arms’] = 44,
[‘pants_1’] = 34, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 27, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = 45, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
officer_wear = {
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 58, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 55, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 0, [‘decals_2’] = 0,
[‘arms’] = 41,
[‘pants_1’] = 25, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 25, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 35, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 48, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 0, [‘decals_2’] = 0,
[‘arms’] = 44,
[‘pants_1’] = 34, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 27, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
sergeant_wear = {
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 58, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 55, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 8, [‘decals_2’] = 1,
[‘arms’] = 41,
[‘pants_1’] = 25, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 25, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 35, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 48, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 7, [‘decals_2’] = 1,
[‘arms’] = 44,
[‘pants_1’] = 34, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 27, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
intendent_wear = {
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 58, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 55, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 8, [‘decals_2’] = 2,
[‘arms’] = 41,
[‘pants_1’] = 25, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 25, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 35, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 48, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 7, [‘decals_2’] = 2,
[‘arms’] = 44,
[‘pants_1’] = 34, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 27, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
fbi_wear = { – currently the same as intendent_wear
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 58, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 49, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 8, [‘decals_2’] = 2,
[‘arms’] = 42,
[‘pants_1’] = 31, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 25, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = 125, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0,
[‘glasses_1’] = 25, [‘glasses_2’] = 4
[‘mask_1’] = 52, [‘mask_2’] = 0
[‘bulletproof_vest_1’] = 16, [‘bulletproof_vest_2’] = 2
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 35, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 48, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 7, [‘decals_2’] = 2,
[‘arms’] = 44,
[‘pants_1’] = 34, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 27, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
lieutenant_wear = { – currently the same as intendent_wear
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 58, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 55, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 8, [‘decals_2’] = 2,
[‘arms’] = 41,
[‘pants_1’] = 25, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 25, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 35, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 48, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 7, [‘decals_2’] = 2,
[‘arms’] = 44,
[‘pants_1’] = 34, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 27, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
chef_wear = {
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 58, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 55, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 8, [‘decals_2’] = 3,
[‘arms’] = 41,
[‘pants_1’] = 25, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 25, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 35, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 48, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 7, [‘decals_2’] = 3,
[‘arms’] = 44,
[‘pants_1’] = 34, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 27, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
boss_wear = { – currently the same as chef_wear
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 58, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 55, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 8, [‘decals_2’] = 3,
[‘arms’] = 41,
[‘pants_1’] = 25, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 25, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 35, [‘tshirt_2’] = 0,
[‘torso_1’] = 48, [‘torso_2’] = 0,
[‘decals_1’] = 7, [‘decals_2’] = 3,
[‘arms’] = 44,
[‘pants_1’] = 34, [‘pants_2’] = 0,
[‘shoes_1’] = 27, [‘shoes_2’] = 0,
[‘helmet_1’] = -1, [‘helmet_2’] = 0,
[‘chain_1’] = 0, [‘chain_2’] = 0,
[‘ears_1’] = 2, [‘ears_2’] = 0
bullet_wear = {
male = {
[‘bproof_1’] = 11, [‘bproof_2’] = 1
female = {
[‘bproof_1’] = 13, [‘bproof_2’] = 1
gilet_wear = {
male = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 59, [‘tshirt_2’] = 1
female = {
[‘tshirt_1’] = 36, [‘tshirt_2’] = 1


Oh i forgot to make
Config.EnablePlayerManagement = false
Config.EnableArmoryManagement = false
Config.EnableESXIdentity = false – enable if you’re using esx_identity
Config.EnableNonFreemodePeds = false – turn this on if you want custom peds
Config.EnableLicenses = false – enable if you’re using esx_license
Config.EnablePlayerManagement = true
Config.EnableArmoryManagement = true
Config.EnableESXIdentity = false – enable if you’re using esx_identity
Config.EnableNonFreemodePeds = true – turn this on if you want custom peds
Config.EnableLicenses = false – enable if you’re using esx_license

even when i made those true , it still didnt save

if your using zap hosting make sure to turn off overwriting

@LiLDeebo01 Context where to change that would help alot.