Plane "Stunt Smoke" trails, Now V1.1!

This is a little resource which allows you to have smoke coming from the back of any plane (It may look off for some, as i havent done any blacklisting system, yet im sure it wouldnt be too hard to implement).


  • Fully synced smoke toggling
  • Smoke colour syncs
  • Smoke size syncs


  • Z (By default) - Toggle the smoke trail on or off
  • /setsmoke (0-255) (0-255) (0-255) (size - default 0.1-2.0) - Sets the smoke data, first 3 values are r g b

This system uses decors for everything smoke related so it should (hopefully) sync correctly for everyone.

if the model isnt setup in the config.offsets section, the script will try to use the model dimensions to determine where to place the smoke, so may look off on certain models without adding it

Github Link: Click Me!

Example images (thanks low and morfik from TT :p):


very nice, good job as always!

FIRST REPLY! Nice job on this script! Good work!

Great job man keep up the great work

Usefull for roleplay scenes, thx for this release. Great job !

smth which would be cool is having a command to set how long the smoke lasts before dissipating

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can you make this for esx?

No. Just, no.


Yay decors!
Looks excellent :smiley:

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awww we miss your racing server :frowning:

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Thanks :stuck_out_tongue: , First time really using decors for something, and i have to say they are very useful

can you make this for vRP?


You never disappoint meh

What about ESX? The superior framework.


Yeah, or ESX! /20char!!!

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iā€™d like it to have a vRP extended version (yes, unfortunately vRPex is a thing.)

nah, dunko is much, much drunker better

Can you make it support ESX_vRPex_ultimate_drunko plz

what about @Frazzle 's stolen framework lol