[OUTDATED] esx_aiTaxi -- Call a NPC-Taxi (GCPHONE)

hey all im using esx_phone but would love to use gcphone but i dont no what to do i know i have to replace esx_phone but what do i do with the esx_phone in database?
please help

So sad. esx_phone3 is better.

hi and thanx for this script but
I can not get into the taxi without stealing it

Anyone knows how to apply the update to esx_phone3?


Manage to get somewhere with this, but the cancel function is not working… When typing “cancel” in messages, the taxi says: there is already a taxi on the way.
And no, im not very good in lua. But atleast im trying.

RegisterNUICallback('send', function(data)

  local phoneNumber = data.number
  local playerPed   = GetPlayerPed(-1)
  local coords      = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
  local message     = data.message
	if data.number == 'taxi' then
		if data.message == 'cancel' then
		TriggerEvent('esx_aiTaxi:cancelTaxi', message)
		TriggerEvent('esx_aiTaxi:callTaxi', coords)
  if tonumber(phoneNumber) ~= nil then
    phoneNumber = tonumber(phoneNumber)

  TriggerServerEvent('esx_phone:send', phoneNumber, data.message, data.anon, {
    x = coords.x,
    y = coords.y,
    z = coords.z

  ESX.ShowNotification('Meddelande skickat')


I get error: Appels sur un service non enregistre => numero :

used your snippet in the original post.

https://streamable.com/0qodc Not exactly sure if im putting it in the correct place

you can see in your vid that

“defaultContacts”: [{

is standing at the top of your code.
just put it there.

line 94

Yes i noticed where i was messing up, and removed the parts finished where ambulance is to make it flow to the taxi portion, but now its back to my normal screen. There is just no Taxi Contact tho

EDIT - This is still happening after clearing my Cache and restarting my server. My phones normal, its just not showing the contact. I did make sure to go to esx_addons_gcphone and replaced the appropriate lines with what was in the instructions.

You wanna call the Taxi… But you didnt start esx_taxijob

Maybe i should write it in the first post that you need to install esx_taxijob

My server does have ESX Taxi job installed, and started. That’s what we’ve been using, but as opposed to that i wouldnt mind just making it whitelisted and just having this instead. esx_taxijob is started tho.

thats weird… because the gcphone just says that the numer isnt registered…

For me its just not showing up in the contacts, i have followed all instructions as well.

post your whole config.json

For GCPhone?

Not the complete, but im sure you dont need all the languages at the bottom

  "reseau": "Verizon",
  "warningMessageCount": 250,
  "themeColor": "#303f9f",
  "colors": [

  "useFormatNumberFrance": true,

  "useWebRTCVocal": false,
  "RTCConfig": {
    "iceServers": [{
      "urls": ["turn:gannon.ovh"],
      "username": "jojo",
      "credential": "pass"

  "background": {
    "Calvin & Hobbes": "back001.jpg",
    "Destiny": "back002.jpg",
    "Stormtrooper": "back003.jpg",
    "Custom URL": "URL"
  "background_default": {
    "label": "Calvin & Hobbes",
    "value": "back001.jpg"

  "coque": {
    "Sansumg S8": "s8.png",
    "Iphone X": "iphonex.png",
    "Brick Base": "base.png",
    "Transparent": "transparent.png"
  "coque_default": {
    "label": "Sansumg S8",
    "value": "s8.png"

  "serviceCall": [{
      "display": "Police",
      "icon": "/html/static/img/icons_app/police.png",
      "subMenu": [{
          "title": "Envoyer un message",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
            "number": "police"
          "title": "Appeler le standard",
          "eventName": "gcphone:autoCallNumber",
          "type": {
            "number": "911"
      "display": "Ambulance",
      "backgroundColor": "red",
      "subMenu": [{
        "title": "Envoyer un message",
        "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
        "type": {
          "number": "ambulance"

      "display": "Taxi",
      "backgroundColor": "yellow",
      "subMenu": [
			"title": "Taxi bestellen",
			"eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
			"type": {
				"number": "taxi",
				"message": "i need a ride"
          "title": "Taxi abbestellen",
          "eventName": "esx_addons_gcphone:call",
          "type": {
				"number": "taxi",
				"message": "cancel"

  "defaultContacts": [{
      "number": "ambulance",
      "display": "Ambulance",
      "icon": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png"
      "number": "police",
      "display": "Police",
      "backgroundColor": "blue",
      "letter": "P"

  "apps": [{
      "name": "Twitter",
      "fr_FR__name": "Twitter",
      "en_US__name": "Twitter",
      "de_DE__name": "Twitter",
      "pl_PL__name": "Twitter",
      "es_ES__name": "Twitter",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/twitter.png",
      "routeName": "twitter.splash",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Mobilphone",
      "fr_FR__name": "Téléphone",
      "cs_CZ__name": "Telefon",
      "en_US__name": "Phone",
      "de_DE__name": "Phone",
      "pl_PL__name": "Telefon",
      "es_ES__name": "llamar",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/call.png",
      "routeName": "appels",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Messages",
      "fr_FR__name": "Messages",
      "en_US__name": "Messages",
      "cs_CZ__name": "Zprávy",
      "de_DE__name": "Nachrichten",
      "pl_PL__name": "Wiadomości",
      "es_ES__name": "Mensajes",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/sms.png",
      "routeName": "messages",
      "inHomePage": true,
      "puceRef": "nbMessagesUnread"
      "name": "Contacts",
      "fr_FR__name": "Contacts",
      "en_US__name": "Contacts",
      "cs_CZ__name": "Kontakty",
      "de_DE__name": "Kontakte",
      "pl_PL__name": "Kontakty",
      "es_ES__name": "Contactos",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/contacts.png",
      "routeName": "contacts",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Settings",
      "fr_FR__name": "Paramètres",
      "en_US__name": "System",
      "cs_CZ__name": "Nastavení",
      "de_DE__name": "Einstellungen",
      "pl_PL__name": "Ustawienia",
      "es_ES__name": "Ajustes",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/settings.png",
      "routeName": "parametre",
      "inHomePage": true
      "name": "Bank",
      "fr_FR__name": "Banque",
      "en_US__name": "Bank Account",
      "cs_CZ__name": "Banka",
      "de_DE__name": "Banker",
      "pl_PL__name": "Lawka",
      "es_ES__name": "Banquillo",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bank.png",
      "routeName": "bank",
      "inHomePage": false
      "name": "Bourse",
      "fr_FR__name": "Bourse",
      "cs_CZ__name": "Burza",
      "en_US__name": "Stock Market",
      "de_DE__name": "Börse",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/bourse.png",
      "routeName": "bourse",
      "enabled": true
      "name": "Camera",
      "fr_FR__name": "Photo",
      "cs_CZ__name": "Fotoaparát",
      "en_US__name": "Camera",
      "de_DE__name": "Kamera",
      "pl_PL__name": "Kamera",
      "es_ES__name": "Cámara",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/photo.png",
      "routeName": "photo"
      "name": "Dark Chat",
      "fr_FR__name": "Dark Chat",
      "en_US__name": "Dark Chat",
      "de_DE__name": "Dark Net",
      "pl_PL__name": "Czat czarny",
      "es_ES__name": "Chat Oscuro",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/tchat.png",
      "routeName": "tchat"
      "name": "9GAG",
      "icons": "/html/static/img/icons_app/9gag.png",
      "routeName": "9gag"

everything looks fine…

i will send you my whole config.json

use this and try again, if it doesnt work too you know the issue is somewhere else ^^

config.json (37.6 KB)

So that fixed it, but its only showing in Favorites

As well as, after installing a fresh gcphone, going thru all the steps, and it only showing in my fav’s. I called, and waited like 10 mins, and nothing happened. Yes i do still have esx_taxijob started and made sure of it.

did you see the blip on the map?

No. I also restarted the resource to see if it would work, then I restarted the server and deleted the cache. Nothing.


Ive made progress to where its finally showing on the radars. But they arent driving at all. Ive done the standard restarting and clearing cache. This seems like something i cant fix although would love having. im trying fr